Case report of a canine patient with hypoadrenocorticism treated with fludrocortisone at the "Argos Veterinary Hospital"

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Rubén Francisco Granda Nájera
Andrés Santiago Aguilar Cavaiguna
Edy Paul Castillo Hidalgo
Estefanía Margarita Villacreses Montufar


Hypoadrenocorticism is an underdiagnosed or underdiagnosed disease in small species veterinary medicine in Ecuador. The objective of this study is to report the treatment and diagnosis of this pathology to identify it in initial stages and to administer a correct therapy. The patient came to the clinic with a nonspecific condition, the guardians reported that she was shivering, had no appetite and had decreased her physical activity 3 days ago. In another service she was prescribed omeprazole at 1mg/kg and meloxicam at 0.05mg/kg. The medical team of the Argos Hospital identifies in the physical evaluation moist and pink mucous membranes, CRT 4 seconds, RR: panting, severe cranial abdominal pain. Normal state of consciousness, weak pulse, SpO2: 93%, systolic pressure: 145mmHg. General examinations were suggested at the Argos Veterinary Hospital, hemogram, blood chemistry, coproparasite, abdominal ultrasound and pancreatic lipase. The results showed moderate neutrophilia, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia, with positive pancreatic lipase (snap IDEXX). The picture is evaluated together with the Endocrinovet service, and a possible hypoadrenocorticism is determined. A basal cortisol measurement is indicated, which results. The patient came to the clinic with a nonspecific condition, the guardians reported that she was shivering, had no appetite and had decreased her physical activity 3 days ago. She was prescribed omeprazole at 1mg/kg and meloxicam at 0.05mg/kg. The medical team of the argos hospital identifies in the physical evaluation moist and pink mucous membranes, CRT 4 seconds, RR: panting, severe cranial abdominal pain. Normal state of consciousness, weak pulse, SpO2: 93%, systolic pressure: 145mmHg. General examinations were suggested at the Argos Veterinary Hospital, hemogram, blood chemistry, coproparasite, abdominal ultrasound and pancreatic lipase. The results showed moderate neutrophilia, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia, with positive pancreatic lipase (snap IDEXX). The picture is evaluated together with the Endocrinovet service, and a possible hypoadrenocorticism is determined. A basal cortisol measurement is indicated, which results.


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How to Cite
Granda Nájera, R. F., Aguilar Cavaiguna , A. S., Castillo Hidalgo, E. P., & Villacreses Montufar , E. M. (2023). Case report of a canine patient with hypoadrenocorticism treated with fludrocortisone at the "Argos Veterinary Hospital". Ciencia Digital, 7(2), 22-37.


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