Impact of vocational training and vocational orientation on students' choice of technical careers at the Leonidas Grueso George Educational Unit.

Introduction: vocational training and guidance are fundamental for the advancement and triumph of students in both their academic and professional endeavors, as they equip them with crucial decision-making tools before selecting further studies aligned with their professional passions and social demands. Objectives: the proposed objective of the study is to evaluate how the implementation of a vocational training and guidance strategy fosters students' propensity to choose career paths for their educational progress at the "Leonidas Gruezo George" Educational Unit in the 2024 school year. Methodology: the research adopted a quantitative approach characterized by detailed, correlational and applied research. Employing inductive and synthetic analytical methods, data were collected through surveys using questionnaires exploring socio-cultural aspects, involving a cohort of 47 students with post-secondary education as they approached a crossroads in their technical career options. Results: The results obtained after the training revealed a change in the students' perception of their preferred career paths, with technical fields becoming the most favored disciplines, illustrating the positive impact of vocational training on career decision making. Conclusions: It was observed that the intervention process through vocational training and vocational guidance, as students were initially inclined towards health, administration, and education-oriented careers and then their perception changed towards technical careers due to their characteristics and advantages. This suggests that vocational training exerted a favorable influence on the students' career prospects.

Tita Adela Medina Min, Angelina Parra de la Paz, Paulina Mesa Villavicencio


Molecular optimization in fluid catalytic cracking process: cartesian coordinate analysis for enhancing efficiency and quality in crude oil refining

Introduction: In crude oil refining, the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) process converts crude oil into high-quality petrochemical products. Understanding molecular interactions in FCC is crucial for optimization, efficiency, and quality purposes. This quantitative and descriptive study analyzes Cartesian coordinates of key compounds, employing computational chemistry for this purpose. Methodology: Quantitative and descriptive. Through a literature review, typical chemical compounds feeding into the FCC process were identified, including paraffins, olefins, aromatics, and naphthenes among others. These compounds were processed using computational chemistry to obtain their 3D coordinates, optimizing their molecular geometry to represent the real structure, ensuring reliable data accuracy in subsequent simulations and analysis. Analysis and Discussion of Results: Cartesian coordinates aid in understanding and identifying optimal operating conditions, enhancing the comprehension of molecular interactions in real time and facilitating the prediction of separation behaviors. These coordinates are envisaged to optimize crude oil refining processes in FCC, through modeling and visualization of atomic-level movements and collisions. Conclusions: Optimizing molecular geometry using the appropriate force field is crucial for obtaining precise Cartesian coordinates. These coordinates enable the simulation of molecular interactions at the atomic level, design of more efficient catalysts, and optimization of refining processes. Additionally, real-time monitoring with accurate molecular data could ensure consistent product quality in FCC.

Sandra Elizabeth Trávez Osorio, Nancy Orlheni Nacimba Rivera, Milton Javier Robalino Cacuango, Alex Santiago Moreno Corrales


Analysis of the lipophilicity of compounds in the refinery alkylation process upstream using computational chemistry

Introduction: Refinery alkylation is crucial for the production of high-octane gasoline with low emissions, meeting environmental requirements and demands of today's automotive industry. This study provides data obtained by computational chemistry analysis of the chemical compounds in the refinery alkylation process input stream, which is expected to significantly improve fuel quality and process efficiency. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyse the lipophilicity values of chemical compounds in the refinery alkylation process input stream, which are identified through an exhaustive literature search and analysed by computational chemistry using the iLOGP, XLOGP3, MLOGP, WLOGP and SILICOS-IT methods. The aim is to understand how the lipophilicity of these compounds influences their behaviour during this crude oil refining process, in order to improve the efficiency and selectivity of this process. Methodology: In this study, observation, measurement, experimentation and systematic and rigorous interpretation of the results are carried out. By means of analysis and bibliographic search, the compounds present in the input flow to the alkylation process in the refinery are determined. These compounds are processed by computational chemistry to obtain the lipophilicity values of each molecule. Subsequently, these values and their influence on the relevant variables of the refining process are meticulously analysed. Results: Consensus Log Po/w combines computational methods to estimate the Log Po/w of each molecule, improving the accuracy of the predictions. This study focuses on analysing the lipophilicity of compounds in the inlet stream for refinery alkylation. Propylene has the lowest value, while n-pentane has the highest. Lipophilicity ensures the solubility and efficiency of the process. Conclusions: The lipophilic characteristics of compounds in the alkylation feed stream are crucial in crude oil refining. Understanding and predicting lipophilicity can be achieved with computational methods such as iLOGP, XLOGP3, WLOGP, MLOGP and SILICOS-IT. Consensus values of lipophilicity range from 1.35 to 2.45, affecting solubility in organic phases and interaction with catalysts, which influences the efficiency and yield of alkylation in refinery.

Carlos Jeanpier Yagos Arias, Franklin Wladimir Espin Almachi, Sandra Elizabeth Trávez Osorio, Alex Santiago Moreno Corrales


Neurodidactic approach to the teaching of physics in the training for medical biophysics higher technicians

Introduction: One of the alternatives for the teaching of physics is the application of knowledge and means which are offered from neurodidactics. This scientific discipline is developed from its own inquiries and from other fields of science. However, there is an arduous road to go in the scientific researches that allow the establishment of the epistemological, theoretical and methodological basis of this emerging discipline, which, particularly in the teaching and learning of physics, the studies are still limited. Objective: is to show an approximation to a neurodidactic approach to the teaching of physics in the short-cycle training program for Medical Biophysics Higher Technicians in the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas. Methodology: The analytical-synthetic method was used to determine the essential aspects of the scientific results that are related to the research topic. Induction-deduction favored determining regularities from the facto-perceptual and configuring the theoretical aspects that are proposed. The hermeneutic-dialectical was used to interpret the theoretical information and carry out a critical analysis. Results: The theoretical aspects that underpin the neurodidactic approach and the steps that must be taken into account to apply it in the teaching of physics are established. Conclusion: The contributions of the neurodidáctics favor the understanding of the teaching-learning process of physics and constitute a theoretical framework that enables the design of tasks and activities that enhance attention and motivation towards learning.

Alexander Torres Hernández, Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez, Narcisa de Jesús Sánchez Salcán


Didactic strategy for the inclusion of students with meningocele in the physical education class

Introduction: Including students with meningocele in Physical Education classes is a great challenge. This requires the use of inclusive teaching strategies. Objective: Design a teaching strategy for the inclusion of students with meningocele in Physical Education classes. Methodology: The research was in an Educational Unit in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, adopting a pre-experimental design for its development, with a qualitative approach, descriptive and field in nature, supported by theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as direct observation, interviews and documentary review; all of which facilitated the investigative procedure and the interpretation of results in the 4 phases that included the investigative process. Results: 1. A teaching strategy is implemented based on five dimensions: identification of needs, personalized curricular adaptations, diversified evaluation, adaptation of materials and individualized evaluations, which focused on the development of curricular adaptations and collaborative games. 2. It is possible to contribute to the inclusion process and the comprehensive development of the student under study. Conclusions: The implementation in practice of the proposed teaching strategy showed its feasibility, relevance, and scientific novelty, allowing to facilitate the inclusion process within the Physical Education class and the improvement of the abilities of the student with meningocele, which is highly significant within the context of Inclusive Physical Education. General area of study: Physical Education. Specific area of study: Inclusion in Physical Education for students with special needs.

Ángel Rafael Barahona Álvarez, Norma Yadira Yanza Paguay, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Indicators of productive efficiency in conventional vs. technical poultry farms located in the province of Manabí - Ecuador

Introduction: In the poultry sector there is a growing need to optimize the technical indexes in meat production on an industrial scale, which has led to the development of management strategies aimed at optimizing the efficiency of these systems and in turn the welfare of broiler chickens. In developing countries such as Ecuador, one alternative to improve production rates is to optimize inputs in the existing infrastructure. Objective: Evaluate production efficiency indicators in conventional vs. technician poultry farms located in the province of Manabí - Ecuador. Methodology: Production records were collected from farms located in central and southern Manabí, which are under the administration of the commercial Avícola Macías. We processed data from 413 mixed flocks of broilers raised in 20 conventional farms with 304 flocks and in three technical poultry farms with 109 flocks, during the production period 2020 to 2022. Results: It was found that conventional farms with flocks < 30,000 chicks tended to have higher final weight, and therefore, higher feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to larger farms, however, the latter showed a higher age at sale (> 55 days). On the other hand, the comparison between a more technified housing system and a conventional one with similar production scales, showed a significant improvement p<0.05 for all indicators in the technified systems except for weight and mortality. Conclusion:  The modernized farms were those that showed the best indicators of productive efficiency, probably due to a set of factors that favor this result, including adequate environmental conditions.

Gema Yiselle Hidalgo López, Juan José Zambrano Villacis, Pablo Roberto Marini


Development of a methodology for calculating reliability in one of the process areas of the vehicle assembly company called Ciauto Cía. Ltd.

The reliability analysis of critical systems in the industrial sector is a very useful tool to improve decision making in the maintenance department. Generally, traditional reliability analysis methods assume restorations of the equipment to its original condition, but in practice this does not happen, since interventions are generally carried out to correct only the failure that occurs at that moment; For this reason, the objective of this research was to develop a methodology to know the current reliability of repairable assets where minimal repairs are carried out, and its prediction for 5 years, with the calculation of the intensity of failures and the average time between failures. The sample was selected from the failure history records from January 2022 to May 2024 of the welding plant of a vehicle assembler, a Jack Knife diagram was made to prioritize the analysis of the systems that cause the most productive stops per repair have generated. A trend test was carried out to determine the bias that the historical data have and thus be able to adjust them to non-homogeneous Poisson stochastic processes, the Crow Amsaa and Log-linear model was used to select the one that best fits the data and is capable of generating forecasts with the lowest possible error. From the study carried out, it was determined that the systems that have caused the most productive stops are the SP-43 and SP-16 welding machines, and the MB-10 JIG. For the SP-43 system, the model that generated the lowest error for a forecast within 5 years was Crow Amsaa with an estimate of 48 failures and one failure every 233 work hours, while for the SP-16 and JIG MB systems -10, the log-linear model presented the best fit, predicting 19 failures, one failure every 987 hours and 22 failures, one every 822 hours of operation respectively.

Sergio Raúl Villacrés Parra, Mayte Anabel Zavala León, Mayra Alexandra Viscaíno Cuzco


Digital tools to strengthen teachers teaching methodology

Introduction: digital tools have experienced a rapid and effective integration, playing a fundamental role in the creation and management of educational environments. As a result, the digital tools used by teachers in their daily work can also be aligned and implemented coherently within their educational planning. Objective: To analyze and promote the integration of digital tools in the daily work of teachers of basic areas as a methodological strategy to enrich the educational process. Methodology: The type of research conducted is of a descriptive correlational nature since this approach allows establishing relationships between variables by identifying patterns and trends in the data collected. In addition, the problem posed has been approached systematically, taking into consideration the specific characteristics of the educational community. Results: The results reveal the current panorama of the methodology used by teachers in their classes, where most of them recognize the importance of the use of digital tools in accordance with technological advances. However, the research also points out the lack of adequate equipment necessary to implement their proposals and innovations. Conclusion: The implementation of digital tools in the teaching process can significantly improve the quality of the learning process of students by providing a more interactive and practical environment; in addition, the training of teachers in the effective use of digital tools is crucial to maximize their potential in the classroom and promote more effective learning. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Teacher training.

Carlos Orlando Acosta Guanoquiza , Guadalupe Maribel Mejía Alban, César Vicente Ramírez Gutiérrez, Alejandro Reigosa Lara


Failure analysis of the toothed rollers of a coconut shell shredder machine through the simulation of harmonic response and transient structural state applying Ansys software

Introduction: In Ecuador, the annual production of coconut is approximately 26,000 tons and its cultivation occurs in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Manabí, and Guayas. The process involved in peeling it is artisanal and almost rudimentary, causing people who are dedicated to this activity to have an elevated risk of accidents. Objective: The objective of this article is to perform a failure analysis of the toothed rollers of a coconut shell shredding machine by simulating harmonic response and transient structural state by applying the Ansys software, as a contribution to the coconut industrial sector. Results: the design and construction of the machine is shown in a general way, while, for the development of the objective of this research, the design and plan of the toothed rollers were presented. The simulation of the rollers was conducted in the Ansys software, for which; parameters of the system and mesh size of 4, 6 and 10 mm were established; with the purpose of obtaining its natural fundamental frequency, frequency response, deformations, and von Mises stresses. In the analysis of harmonic response and transient structural state, as the mesh size decreases, the values of maximum total strain and maximum von Mises stress are increasingly accurate, having accuracy in the 4 mm mesh with values of 0.07393 mm and 15.86 MPa, respectively. Conclusion: It is concluded that, in the simulation by harmonic response of the rollers, the frequency of 35 Hz reaches its maximum excitation with an amplitude value of 1.039e-10 mm, not generating damage in them, while, in the simulation by transient structural state of the rollers, a maximum total deformation value of 0.07393 mm and a maximum von Mises stress of 15.86 MPa were obtained.  that compared with the creep deformation of 0.175 mm and the creep strength of 250 MPa of the ASTM A36 steel used for its manufacture, no failure occurs due to breakage.

Gustavo Alfredo Barona López, Xavier Oswaldo Macas Valdez, Nataly Cumandá Chanatásig Pichucho, Álvaro Javier Rosas Huera
