Aprendizaje basado en proyectos para desarrollar la destreza de escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera

Introduction. The Project Based Learning (PBL) method is proposed as a transcendental student-centered method that promotes cooperation and the development of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. ABP contributed to the procedure and, theoretically, to the improvement of writing skills and the teaching-learning process in the classroom. With this method, students interacted with other classmates and teachers; they developed knowledge and improved their writing skills. The mistakes made by the students of Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in writing is the problem studied in this research Objective To determine the influence of the ABP method in the writing of paragraphs, short communicative messages, stories, emails and reports of ESPOCH students. Methodology. To obtain data, a questionnaire directed to teachers was used to understand their perspective on PBL respect to writing skill. To assess the writing level of the students, a Cambridge University PET test and its writing rubric were used. The last instrument, an observation guide, supervised the application of PBL in the classroom. Results The results obtained were compared between the Control Group and the Experimental Group, the improvement was 0.8 points more in the average score of the first group in relation to the second in the total qualification of the PET test, equivalent to 5%. The systematic observation showed an improvement in the average grade of 0.8 in the general average of the last project executed by the students, equivalent to 18%. In quantitative terms, teachers through a survey reported the benefits of the PBL method in writing skills. Conclusion. The application of techniques based on ABP significantly improved writing. This method and the results obtained with the applied instruments demonstrated the relationship between the variables studied.

Maritza Lucia Larrea Vejar


Performance of human talent in the educational field of southern Manabí through administrative management

Introduction. Human talent is and has been the significant, efficient, effective and effective resource that an educational institution has, it is the one that manages the activities proposed to achieve the proposed objectives and goals. These training entities, insert into their roles instructed and trained people in the various fields of knowledge, so that together with the educational community they commit to social change. The entities in their management model present fundamental pillars for their development and within them is administrative management, which allows the human being to carry out the documentary process to fulfill the activities and strategies established in the plans presented periodically, it also recognizes the level of knowledge, attitude, skills and competitiveness that the human being possesses, in order to achieve results for the benefit of the institution, therefore the following Objective to transform the performance of human talent in the educational field of southern Manabí through administrative management, the following methodology was considered for its development: The research design was non-experimental, descriptive, qualitative model, type of analytical and exploratory order. The chosen population was 57 teachers, who work with 1,100 students who attend the regular leveling course at the State University of the South of Manabí. It was concluded with the updating of knowledge in various scientific and technical branches, for which it is described: Development of curricular programming as a strengthening tool, training for teachers, concerning pedagogy and formative creation; administrative management; abilities and skills for the creation and improvement of skills in the teaching - learning process, supported by the creative education guide.

Maribel Celi Vásquez Paucar, Zoe Luisa Rodríguez Cotilla, Mariana de Lourdes Cantos Figueroa, Teresa Yanina Cañarte Quimis


Interactive education: pedagogical strategy to resignify cultural identity and reading understanding of Riobamba legends

The development of communication technologies, place education in a transformation  process that requires other forms of language, educational processes are exposed to new challenges, demand the use of adequate resources that promote participatory and interactive spaces; This article studies the elements that are part of the legends of the Illustration of Riobamba Legends project as a strategy to strengthen identity in the child population of the Riobamba canton, the objective is to evaluate the use of interactive teaching methodologies from new spaces and learning scenarios. that strengthen the cultural identity of school-age boys and girls. The research methodology is qualitative and quantitative, documentary, ethnographic and content, the information has been contrasted with the results of the application of surveys and observation techniques, which allowed the interpretation and comparison of the data with those obtained in the validated documentary records. for this purpose and to identify the circumstances in which the reading processes take place in the study population. The result of the research shows the importance of the use of interactive methodologies in the teaching-learning processes, and how multimedia resources encourage reading, build dialogic learning processes and are carriers of a sense of relevance in the transmission of legends.

Miriam Elizabeth Erazo Rodríguez, Fabián Alfonso Calderón Cruz, Myriam Elizabeth Murillo Naranjo, María Belén Ávalos Torres


Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives to bring young university students closer to the business world

The study is oriented towards the description of the administrative and academic processes in terms of the ideas, purposes and problems that revolve around entrepreneurship, for which it was necessary to develop projects, programs and an integrated plan for UCACUE, which allows to contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial culture in the training of professional leaders and entrepreneurs as one of the transversal axes of the University's processes, through the design of the institutional strategy for research, development, innovation and incubation and contribute to the construction of learning processes, based on the creation of added value in the curricular and extracurricular academic processes, considering the University policies linked to the sustainable development of the territory. Among the conclusions of the information collected with respect to the semi-structured interviews with the main authorities of the Catholic University of Cuenca, it allowed to determine that the dimension of the academic management model, in the Academic Units of the Catholic University of Cuenca, the three authorities coincide that there are policies, and that the University must promote entrepreneurship and innovation.

The purpose was to collect information from the main authorities of UCACUE, to carry out a doctoral research work in education, the interview was directed to the Authorities of the Catholic University of Cuenca, to improve institutional processes, which aims to build a theoretical-academic management model for the development of innovative entrepreneurship policies and programs at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca, which contributes to the professional profile in the different careers in correspondence with the economic-social demand of the territory of zone 6, in each one of the races.

Edison Becerra Molina


Tourism Management based on Sumak Kawsay towards local happiness

Tourism is an economic activity that has grown significantly in recent years globally, generating positive impacts on income, employment, security, peace, among others. Ecuador has also improved its tourism management during recent years, according to the increase in arrivals and awards for its natural, cultural and infrastructure attractions. Important changes have been made in the country since 2008, when the Constitution of the Republic was modified to add the concept of Sumak Kawsay, translated as Good Living, which aims among other things, the welfare of the population; part of this well-being sought, could be achieved with the happiness of the inhabitants, a theme that took force from 2012, when the UN declared March 20 as the international day of happiness. The study sought to find out the current situation of tourism, the policies of the Sumak Kawsay since 2008 and the happiness rates that the country has. For this, the information was researched in documentary sources and by means of the synthetic analytical method; relations were established between the 3 objectives. Undoubtedly, tourism generates happiness for those who travel, but in the country, there has been no clear relationship between tourism and local happiness, because, although tourism management increased significantly, the position occupied by Ecuador is similar to that in 2013.

Jenny Elizabeth Suárez Velasco, Gustavo Vladimir Paladines, Segundo Fernando Capa Paladines


Tree vegetation of a section of the secondary forest of the Pindo Mirador Biological Station

The secondary forest of the Biological Station Pindo Mirador, province of Pastaza, Ecuador, have been poorly studied, proposing with the research, to characterize the tree structure in a sector of the forest area of the Station. Above the sea level, four plots of 0.1 ha were established covering a sampling area of 0.4 ha; all trees with diameter a 1.30 from the soil ≥ 10 cm were measured, determining their absolute height. With the measurement records, four diametric classes and similar number of height ranges were established. Species and plot abundances, diametric classes and height ranges were analyzed to extract their descriptive statistics, and by non-parametric comparisons to establish differences between them. The contribution of species to the forest structure was assessed by determining structural diversity indexes, including the Importance Value Index and the basal area for each. The results show a richness of 49 species belonging to 36 genera of 27 families, where trees with diameters between 10 and 20 cm and heights between 8 and 20 m predominate. It is concluded that it is a moderately homogeneous forest with typical elements of the Andean-Amazon transition, of low species richness, whose vertical structure of the dominant flight is of the medium floor or subcanopy, medium dense, dominated by trees of Hyeronimaoblonga and Piptocoma discolor, which have the biggest influence on the structure.

Christopher Oswaldo Paredes Ulloa, Jorge Ferro Díaz, Pablo Lozano Carpio
