Enfoque comunicativo de enseñanza del lenguaje para el desarrollo de la habilidad del habla

Introducción. La comunicación oral es quizás la habilidad más importante al aprender una lengua extranjera. El método convencional de enseñanza del inglés que se utiliza en los niveles educacionales, basado en la gramática y la escritura no permite el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas necesarias. La enseñanza comunicativa del lenguaje ha sido objeto de investigaciones, en las que se ha tratado su eficacia mediante el uso de diferentes recursos y habilidades. Objetivo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo aplicar las actividades de la enseñanza comunicativa del lenguaje para determinar su efectividad en el desarrollo de la habilidad del habla en estudiantes de segundo año de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Salesiana “Santo Tomás Apóstol”, en Riobamba, Ecuador. Metodología. Se realizó una investigación de campo, descriptiva, prospectiva, longitudinal, cuasi experimental y cuantitativa. El universo estuvo conformado por los 94 estudiantes de ese nivel. La muestra equivalente al universo, se organizó en dos grupos, uno experimental y otro de control, con 47 estudiantes cada uno. Se aplicó un examen diagnóstico inicial y una prueba final para ambos grupos, que durante el tiempo entre ambos test, siguieron enfoques de enseñanza aprendizaje diferentes. En el grupo de control se aplicó el método tradicional y en el grupo experimental, el enfoque comunicativo de enseñanza del lenguaje. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que aunque ambos grupos mejoraron su desempeño en la expresión oral, en el grupo experimental el incremento de la habilidad del habla fue mayor que para el grupo de control. Conclusión. Se llegó a la conclusión de que las actividades interactivas aplicadas, como los diálogos, los juegos de roles y el intercambio de información, fueron efectivas para desarrollar la destreza en el habla de los estudiantes.

Nataly Giovanna Oviedo Guado, Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Mathematics in the international baccalaureate and unified general baccalaureate of Ecuador. A critical study

Education is a social process that is constantly evolving. National education systems are constantly adjusting their curricular designs to adapt to the present reality in accordance with the new demands of the economy, science and technology. Objective: this study analyzes and discusses the divergences and convergences between the Unified General Baccalaureate of Ecuador and the International Baccalaureate, which has been present in the country since 2010. Methodology: It is a qualitative research of interpretative nature with a deep content analysis from the perspective of hermeneutics, to systematize the information and base the criteria and discussion. The researchers chose the mathematics curriculum because of their teaching experience and because it is one of the subjects that is evaluated internationally through the PISA tests. Contributions: Once the analysis and interpretation were done, the results show profound differences between the two baccalaureates in terms of content distribution, time, mastery of skills with performance criteria, skills and evaluation processes. Conclusion: It is concluded that the International Baccalaureate presents better learning results, due to its organization, level of rigor and dynamic methodology, which enables students to continue their university career in any institution of higher education in the country and the world.

Luis Marcelo Mantilla-Falcón, Diego Israel Romero-Castro, Eugenia Antonieta Fonseca-Gómez, Mery Susana Mantilla-Falcón


The effects of Task-Based Language Teaching on the Speaking Skill: A systematic research synthesis and meta-analysis.

For more than three decades Task-based language teaching strategies have constituted an object of research in second language acquisition. However, a TBLT approach has been fully embraced in some parts of the world while not in others. Despite the fact that there have been previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses investigating TBLT implementation, there is still the need for a synthesis of the effects of tasks on oral production. This paper provides a systematic research synthesis of different TBLT interventions on spoken production. In total, 61 published studies were retrieved, coded, and analyzed following established coding procedures for systematic reviews. Additionally, 11 studies were also meta-analyzed so as to research the overall effects of the application of a TBLT speaking strategy as treatment in different contexts. The findings unveiled a medium to large effect of (d=0.78) for TBLT interventions on oral production. The synthesis across qualitative and quantitative data also revealed a positive impact of Task Repetition and Pre-task planning for the enhancement of linguistic complexity, accuracy and fluency dimensions of the speaking skill. The study concludes with implications for the implementation of a TBLT strategy in L2 teaching-learning process.     

Alberto Medina Fernández


Consequences on employment due to the impact of COVID-19, in the business environment of Region 6.

Introduction. Electronic commerce has been a very important business model within the COVID-19 pandemic. In our region, this model has not yet been fully established because the customer still mistrusts it. Target. Analyze the effects that eCommerce is causing due to the impact of the pandemic on MSMEs in the region 6. Methodology. The research design started from the positivist research paradigm, non-experimental and transectional field design with documentary support, descriptive research level, the population was 77,289 and the sample 471, the questionnaire instrument was used, it was validated by trial of experts with experience in the employment area and methodology, rating validity, clarity, coherence, and relevance. Results. Among the most frequently required results through electronic commerce in the presence of the coronavirus, were food 30.13%, supermarkets 26.10%, pharmacies 19.39%, sports sector 8.64%, which includes equipment such as electronic treadmills, bicycles , clothing, shoes, among others; others 7.87%, which includes audiovisual content, tablets, computers, cell phones, and other articles; and minor tools, laundry 4.41% and liquor stores 3.45%, in short, the clearest change is that more people have made the decision to opt for online purchases to avoid going out and exposing themselves. Conclution. The effects of a globalized world, where the digital age is everything today, give way to new consumption patterns and strengthening the value chain of online sales, are just some of the balances that the coronavirus has thrown that, although it has affected health and multiple economic activities, it is also stimulating creativity and the development of business solutions that will contribute to the growth of electronic commerce in the short term that business generates.  

Edison Becerra Molina , Yolanda Jaramillo Calle , María Eliza Flores


Impacto de la Formación Humanística en el Futuro Profesional del Turismo

In the Cuban university context, an essential goal is to guarantee an education, which propitiates the development of the knowledge, abilities, capacities and values that contribute to the technological scientific achievements ‘implementation, in order to apply them at social scale. This human development is not just an objective from university, it also responds to one of the 2030 Agenda, where the equity and the social justice should be enhanced. It´s necessary to foment the sustainable development guaranteeing an economic, ecological and sociocultural balance achieving the territorial autonomy, where the tourism plays a main role. That’s why, the main goal of the scientific research is to demonstrate the impact of humanistic training in the development of the tourism career for the achievement of sustainable economic and social development. It was used theoretical methods such as: the analytic-synthetic one, induction-deduction and historical-logical one. It was also used empiric methods such as: the analysis and documental revision, the search, selection of information and the observation. As result, it is obtained methodological preparation actions for Tourism career ‘professors, in order they can guarantee a graduate able to apply sustainable management.

Jorge Tanyara Sánchez, Bisleivys Jiménez Valero, Jorge Alí Caridad Alina, Efrain Velastegui Lopez
