Arnoldi methods for numerical continuation of stationary points

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Zenaida Natividad Castillo Marrero
Gustavo Adolfo Colmenares Pacheco
Víctor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique


This work presents an analysis of a continuation algorithm with an embedded Arnoldi eigen solver for the numerical computation of solutions of nonlinear systems G (x, α) = 0, where x is a vector in Rn and α is a parameter which takes values in a given interval. This technique allows us to detect and predict particular solutions when computing the eigenvalues of the associate Jacobian matrix, and simultaneously to get the solution of linear systems in each iteration. This method could be applied to problems of electrical engineering, chemical reactions or coating process. The main idea is to embed an Arnoldi eigenvalue solver in a continuation algorithm to compute solutions of a nonlinear system in order to get additional information of these solutions, such as the stability or the periodicity. An example of the usability of this technique is presented, with preliminary results on models used in the bibliography of this topic. The results are encouraged, and show the reliability of this approach in the accurate detection of critical points.


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How to Cite
Castillo Marrero, Z. N., Colmenares Pacheco, G. A., & Cevallos Vique, V. O. (2020). Arnoldi methods for numerical continuation of stationary points. Ciencia Digital, 4(3), 378-390.


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