Using illustrated stories based on multiple intelligences with university students

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Gilma Alexandra Gordillo Obregón
Ángel Paul Obregón Mayorga
Mónica Alejandra Logroño Becerra
Edgar Eduardo Heredia Arboleda


The main objective of developing this research article is to publicize the real and didactic use of illustrated stories as a didactic instrument in University Education classrooms, following an easy, appropriate and creative way and idea to learn English that you could use in any content in the English learning process. The use of illustrated stories in a university English classroom will favor all those who are in it to create a correct atmosphere for the development of motivation, critical thinking by Atkinson (1997), and meaningful learning in Espoch university students. It is so because of this foundation that illustrated stories can be considered as a creative way of connecting student learning with society and with their real life. All over this article, we will discover the imperative characteristics and features that may happen in the English language learning process. We investigate the benefits of using illustrated tales in university students’ learning that can be settled working with multiple intelligences (MI), with artistic illustrated tales for the teaching of the English language as a didactic supply inside and outside the classroom, the ones that they will encourage the motivation, interest, and control in students. To settle, an illustrated tale was applied into an English teaching hour class in university education level to take all the important data to be investigated and to be evaluated into this research article with the important work and help of the students from the university Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in the Renewable Natural Resources Career of the fourth semester during an English Subject II day of class in Tunshi- Ecuador to show the real importance of illustrated tales to improve Multiple intelligences and university students’ learning approach based in the English learning process in university students.


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How to Cite
Gordillo Obregón, G. A., Obregón Mayorga, Ángel P., Logroño Becerra, M. A., & Heredia Arboleda, E. E. (2020). Using illustrated stories based on multiple intelligences with university students. Ciencia Digital, 4(2), 88-101.


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