Financial strategies for the sustainability and growth of banco internacional agency Riobamba period 2019 - 2021

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Hernán Octavio Arellano Diaz
Victor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique
Glenda Marisol Santillán Valle
Paulina Elizabeth Valverde Aguirre


This research was carried out at the Banco Internacional Agencia Riobamba, through a situational diagnosis and comparative financial analysis in which the limited growth of financial intermediation in relation to local competition was established, within the same operating segment. The purpose of the study was to design financial strategies oriented to the growth and sustainability of the entity and therefore to the economic and social development of its clients through long-term financial relationships. In its development, various research techniques were applied, such as: a structured survey of clients in the Sierra Centro Zone, interviews with officials of the banking institution, as well as a diagnostic sheet applied to all employees of the Banco Internacional Riobamba offices. The population constitutes 1,357 clients corresponding to the different segments: executives, independent professionals, own business and companies. To determine the sample size, the proportional stratified sampling technique was used, obtaining a sample size of 300 surveys. The chi-square statistical test was applied in order to test the research hypothesis. It was concluded that the variables: independent "Financial Strategies" and the dependent "Social Economic Growth", are related, demonstrating their reliability by calculating Cronbach's Alpha to the correlation data. In this way it was verified that "financial strategies do contribute significantly to social economic growth", regarding the case study.


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How to Cite
Arellano Diaz, H. O., Cevallos Vique, V. O., Santillán Valle, G. M., & Valverde Aguirre, P. E. (2020). Financial strategies for the sustainability and growth of banco internacional agency Riobamba period 2019 - 2021. Ciencia Digital, 4(2), 48-64.


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