Economic dimension of accessible tourism: Lectures for Ecuador

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Natacha Pahola De las Mercedes Díaz Rodríguez
Dajhanna Pahola Carranza Díaz
Sergio Benjamín Carranza Mendoza
Lilia Lourdes Mora Pisco


The economic dimension of accessible tourism constitutes a factor of particular importance for the development of social inclusion as a basis for sustainable human development. However, a phenomenon has been insufficiently studied in the literature and appears more as a statement than as an aspect of social relevance. The purpose of this article is to offer an analysis of the economic dimension of accessible tourism, deriving lessons for a country like Ecuador.   For the analysis, the tools of qualitative research are used, based on observation and documentary analysis, which allows us to reveal, as a central idea, the importance of rethinking the practice of accessible tourism in the various regions of Ecuador as a factor of economic growth and social development, linked to the sectors of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Díaz Rodríguez, N. P. D. las M., Carranza Díaz, D. P., Carranza Mendoza, S. B., & Mora Pisco, L. L. (2020). Economic dimension of accessible tourism: Lectures for Ecuador. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 334-348.


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