Evaluation of the written skills in english and its development

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Gabriela Paulina Dávila Yánez
Deysi Lucia Damián Tixi
Cristina Paola Chamorro Ortega
Karen Alexandra Plua Vinces


The objective of this research was to evaluate the written skills that serve as the basis for the development of a strategy that allows its development. For this, the dimensions of structure, contents, writing and use of resources were identified. The dimensions were evaluated through a rubric through the application of a set of activities contemplated in the study plan and developed through a schedule. The research was descriptive statistical, field and bibliographic. The sample was intentional and consisted of 32 first-level students of the Facultad de Administration de Empress de la Escuela Superior Polytechnical de Chimborazo between men and women. The students presented similar characteristics because they study the subject and have the same resources in the process of learning the English language. The instrument applied to obtain the data was prepared, reviewed and approved by experts in the area. The results obtained were filtered, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted through tables and graphs. This allowed us to establish that students have problems in writing ability, since the evaluated components of structure, content, writing and use of resources need to be addressed through a strategy for their development.


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How to Cite
Dávila Yánez, G. P., Damián Tixi, D. L., Chamorro Ortega, C. P., & Plua Vinces, K. A. (2020). Evaluation of the written skills in english and its development. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 292-303. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v4i1.1102


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