The influence that the DOTA2 videogame has on the mood of the player applied to the "AMX" team

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Paulina Fernada Mora Piña
Vanessa Lorena Valverde González
Sofía Paulina Valle Oñate


Research to determine the influence of the Dota 2 video games on the mood of the players, an application research was used with the analytical method that seeks to find answers to a problem, produce contributions that promote the field of medicine and the computer science and new meanings to the current forms of the influence exerted by video games on the emotional health of people, responds to the analysis of results, the techniques applied are observation, surveys and interviews. In this work we will select the "AMX" team, DOTA2 players through surveys. The results analyzed after the different studies showed that the change of a normal behavior to another aggressive behavior of the players after losing a game in specific ways increasing their irritability and tension, on the other hand, each member was visualized with a behavior more compulsive before the different actions that were presented in the games played.

Dota2 will be researched as a videogame, how it develops, how complicated it is to play and the need felt by players to spend more time each day.

The influence exerted by the video game Dota 2 on the changes in the mood of the people is analyzed due to the tension generated during each of the games, in addition to the violence that it maintains, the moods will be analyzed before start the game and after him.


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How to Cite
Mora Piña, P. F., Valverde González, V. L., & Valle Oñate, S. P. (2020). The influence that the DOTA2 videogame has on the mood of the player applied to the "AMX" team. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 142-155.


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