Historical cultural route “El Abra” a tourist product focused on domestic tourism on the isla de la juventud

Historic-cultural tourism has become an option that allows the interpretation, conservation, presentation and increasing importance of the assets that relate history and cultural heritage, hence the importance of designing tourism offers that guarantee the relationship between community, visitors and heritage in a sustainable environment. The present investigation was proposed as a general objective to design the historical - cultural Route "El Abra" that contributes to the consolidation of internal tourism (in popular slang it is known as the national market) in the Isle of Youth; making possible the use of natural and historical - cultural resources existing in the area, relying on the tourism development objectives of the country and the growing demand of this tourist modality. The selection of the place was based on the excellent conditions it has for the practice of sociocultural and natural tourism, distinguished by its high historical value - patrimonial and the existence of important natural resources. Based on the proposed objectives, several procedures for the design of tourism products were reviewed, selecting the procedure proposed by Perelló (2001). The process is aligned with the guidelines outlined by the Seventh Congress and the Guidelines for Economic and Social Policy of the Communist Party of Cuba, approved by the National Assembly of People's Power in July 2016.

Leilyn Arias Pérez, Wenceslao González Curbelo, Lourdes Cisneros Mustelier


Factores que afectan el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en colegios públicos de Quito

At some time, all we have considered this one question, because we would have to study the English language in our Latin cultures? without a doubt that we will have some interesting answers on the matter like for example: in order to obtain new and better labor options, we will have access to multinational companies.

Really, in the labor thing, to know English, always will have a competitive advantage forehead to other candidates.  On the other hand, to speak English is to speak a universal language that opens to an endless number of doors and possibilities to you in the world and all the scopes of the life, in areas like: commercial, financial, political, education, culture, tourism, human investigation, relations, etc.

He is rewarding to learn and to dominate a new language and, in the case of the English is an accessible language, as long as you have methodologic motivation, time and other resources that allow you to do it.

This investigation must like intention analyze the factors that affect the education process learning of the English language in five public secondary schools of Quito. The main obtained findings are, the size of the classrooms of classes and the number of students who conform these classrooms. 

In the last years, the development of the technologies of the information, the use of diverse resources playful of specialized education-learning, professors, they have allowed to improve and to enrich the learning of this universal language. These resources applied actually and in our contexts of public education will allow us to facilitate in our children and adolescents the education-learning of the English.  

Verónica Gabriela Páez Romero, Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín


Nutrition, overweight and obesity in children's age: Their relations hip with physical sports activity

Globally and also in Ecuador, overweight and childhood obesity have increased vertiginously in recent years; As a result of the above, obesity is considered by many experts as the epidemic of the century, entering the classification of chronic diseases. Given this global panorama that affects the quality of life and health of children and adults, the need to seek alternatives from early ages leading to prevention and control is imposed. Hence, the article presented has as a general objective: to reflect on the potential offered by the practice of physical sports activities from a multidisciplinary vision linked to proper nutrition for the prevention and control of overweight and obesity in children, especially if we take into account that it is precisely in this age range where adequate eating habits are formed that allow maintaining the necessary caloric levels and the motivation for the practice of progressively organized sports physical activities.

Based on a descriptive, non-experimental methodology with the use of theoretical methods such as historical -logical, synthetic and inductive -deductive analytical, documentary analysis and the debate on different theories around the subject treated, the main results are achieved: mean the importance of the practice of physical-sports activities and nutritional education in children as essential points to prevent serious health problems caused by overweight or obesity from childhood, together the design of a program is provided.

Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres, Jessica Paola Sailema Rios, Ángelo David Sailema Ríos, Marcelo Sailema Torres


Organizational influence on tourism development in Guamote, Ecuador

The main objective of the present work was to determine the influence of the local municipal tourist organization on the tourist development of the Guamote canton, province of Chimborazo. Offering reliable and updated information to achieve an adequate management of the territory, and to be able to generate multiple benefits to the local inhabitants, framed in the objectives and guidelines that the governmental institution has to achieve the integral tourism development. Specifically, within the Tourism Unit and thus contribute to strengthening local tourism development, based on the situational analysis, detecting shortcomings, considering the entity as a public enterprise aimed at improving the provision of services to enhance tourism in the canton. For the information survey, two populations were considered, the service providers and the economically active population, in order to know the existing reality in the territory for decision making that would satisfy the needs of the sector with viable proposals that would further increase the institutional image of the municipality. The work involved statistical processes carried out in the SPSS software, version 25; such as the cronbach alpha that determined the reliability of the instruments, the analysis and interpretation of the results; and finally the testing of the hypothesis with chi-square determining in this way the existing dependence between the organization and the tourist development.

Gabriela Elizabeth Proaño Lucero


strategies based on m- learning for the english writing skills development.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of mobile applications in the English language teaching process, mainly in the development of the writing ability in English. Mobile learning (m learning) helps the development from an innovative perspective, the practice of the English language, generating a students´ motivation to learn to write from new technologies so the research emphasizes the need for teachers to the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, know, master and use the range of mobile applications that can facilitate the teaching of this productive skill in the English language, through collaborative learning and with the use of ICT, which enrich the teaching-learning process in addition to generating a greater motivation in students.  The article deals with the conceptual theoretical content of the fundamental categories such as m learning, mobile applications and the contribution of learning theories. In the same way, the analysis and interpretation of results is carried out, from the application of the instruments in the population and selected sample, from the descriptive statistics, in this case, the result of the application of surveys to students and teachers. Finally, a set of strategies for the development of the ability to write in English language from different mobile applications are proposed.

The present research supports the importance of the use of ICT as innovative teaching resources that respond to the needs in the field of knowledge and practice of students.

Mayra Elizabeth Alpusig Granja, Cristhian Andrés Villafuerte Haro, Silvia Catalina Villacís Torres


Information and Communication Technologies: bases of significant learning in mathematics in university students.

The development and implementation of new information technologies in the educational context have progressed in correspondence with changes in teaching-learning methods. In contradiction with the above, the pedagogical praxis based on the use of traditional methods for teaching - learning Mathematics still persist in the different educational settings and levels, generating low levels of performance, boredom and even the apathy of students when learning it. In accordance with what has been pointed out, this article aims to: reflect on the importance and impacts of the teaching-learning process of Mathematics, the intrinsic relationship that must exist between student-teachers and the educational means to be used, within these the proper application of ICTs, as a basic premise for achieving significant learning. Based on a search methodology, documentary reviews, inquiry and reflections on previous studies, two essential aspects are confirmed as results: the first related to the confirmation of the importance of this trilogy in the acquisition of significant learning in students and the second already our way of seeing with high significance: the need to integrate various methodological perspectives that lead to the construction of knowledge, both for teachers and students, through the significant learning model through the application of Information and Communication Technologies, all of which will favor the development of positive and critical attitudes towards mathematics by students.

Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay, Willian Geovanny Yanza Chávez, Alfredo Rodrigo Colcha Ortiz, Efraín Velasteguí López


Teaching support manual for the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching aids

The evaluation of learning is an essential part of the teaching-learning process that enables us to direct it, as well as the control and evaluation of the modes of action that students acquire through the development of the teaching process, when verifying the degree with the one that the proposed objectives are reached. The objective of this research is to develop a teaching support manual for the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching aids. A development research was carried out at the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences during the school years 2017 - 2018 to 2018 - 2019. Methods of the theoretical level were used: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive and systemic-structural; and empirical: documentary analysis of the analytical programs of the subjects that make up the Nursing discipline and methodological guidelines, observation of classes, the survey of teachers and specialists. It was evident that there are no specific orientations in the analytical programs of the subjects that make up the Nursing discipline for the development of the evaluation of learning through the use of teaching means; insufficiencies in the learning evaluation process were detected by teachers using traditional and schematic methods, lack of correspondence of questions, objectives to be evaluated and levels of assimilation, and the potentialities of the teaching means for evaluating the learning. A teaching support manual was prepared to help solve the deficiencies detected. The manual was valued by specialist criteria as pertinent, novel, useful and was a valuable tool for the self-preparation of teachers and stimulating developer learning in students.

Anabel González Sánchez, Fernando Pujol Bosque, Yaneisi Sánchez Sierra, Ana María Sánchez Silva


Diagnosis of the development of productive English language skills of higher education students

The objective of the present investigation was to diagnose the development of the productive English speaking skill of the students of the second semester of the Physical Culture Career of the National University of Chimborazo.  For this purpose, a descriptive, qualitative-quantitative field research was applied through a sample represented by a control group of 50 students among men and women with heterogeneous knowledge of the English language. A peer-reviewed academic survey was applied to them, validated according to Cronbach's alpha. The survey contains questions with a Likert scale, which allowed the collection of data about criteria such as detecting student behavior, use of specific activities, use of strategies, new vocabulary, time spent, use of assistive technology instruments and assessment rubric. The information obtained was selected, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted through tables frequency graphs that allowed to identify that an intervention plan is required containing a strategy that enable us to improve the development of the productive skill of the English language speech, since problems of students´ behavior, incorrect application of class planning, complimentary use of technological tools and evaluation rubrics were detected.

Sonia Marcela Suarez Cabrera, Sandra Liliana Abarca Garcia, Ruth Patricia Molina Mazón, Maritza Lucía Larrea Vejar


Importance of didactic and methodological strategies in reading comprehension, language and communication difficulties

In the educational system different techniques, activities, actions, processes that benefit in the different areas of knowledge have been proposed;  however, the application of strategies that reduce reading comprehension difficulties is scarce, which has increased deficiencies in decoding, vocabulary poverty, prior knowledge limitations, factors that influence memory problems.  It is highlighted that since 2010, education in Ecuador is projected in the development of skills, abilities and skills of students, with support in critical pedagogy, with a constructive approach in cognitive ways, being the first actor of education  His learning;  considering that the instruction was based on the use of methodologies based on memorization, tasks and repetitive exercises, added to the precarious use of guidelines in the field of teaching and methodology that strengthen the acquisition of reading habits.  From this vision, the study called: Teaching and methodological strategies that reduce difficulties in reading comprehension, language and communication, aims to determine its incidence in low self-esteem, disinterest in the study and insecurity.  In the methodology the qualitative and quantitative approach is used, with the collection of relevant and field bibliographic information, the survey technique was applied, with the structured questionnaire instrument, which allows interacting with reality;  in addition the independent and dependent variable is determined;  Subsequently, the analysis and interpretation of data obtained that benefit in the verification of the hypothesis, through the statistical test of Chi2, with a significance of 0.05 and 6 degrees of freedom;  deducing that the methodology applied by the teacher does not allow an active participation of students, damaging academic performance, communication, dialogue and interaction, deteriorating the teaching-learning process;  In addition, the degree of reading comprehension is meager, there are conflicts in deduction, argumentation, intellectual, emotional and social development, factors that limit educational quality.

Luis Oswaldo Jiménez Alarcón, Mónica Narciza López Pazmiño, Julio César Freire Pazmiño, Julio Rafael Cabrera López


Measurement of the reliability of virtual tools in learning the English language using variance analysis

In 2020, the declaration of the health emergency due to the Coronavirus obliges schools to introduce virtual classrooms as a learning strategy. In this context, researchers design an online learning plan to assist their students. This article want to publicize the results of this plan in various areas. On the one hand, in the way the students responded and participated in the virtual platform; and on the other, their academic performance, in relation to environment of the previous equivalent face-to-face course (control group). This article reveals the results of a quantitative investigation. The researchers conducted experiments to assess the effect of the teaching material on academic performance. To test this assumption, a sample of 45 students randomized into three groups. Group 1 students review the document with the programmed contents and the teacher's guide. Group 2 students received the document and a song. Group 3 students reviewed the content using a movie and a song. Group 2 students present a significant improvement in their performance; this result shows that the application of technological tools contributes to learning as long as they have the teacher's guide. This event verified by analysis of variance with three independent groups.

Carmita Eulalia Rojas Castro, Christian Eduardo Meza Fiallos, Lorena Cecilia Hernández Andrade, Franklin Marcelo Coronel Maji


Análisis de la importancia del número de estudiantes en la enseñanza del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera

Improving the quality of teaching has been the main objective to raise the quality of the school, unfortunately, most of the learning is not acquired as teachers expect. The objective of this research was to analyze the effects of class size on effective teaching at 2nd grade “A” of Bachillerato General Unificado in the Unidad Educativa San Vicente de Paúl. The type of study is qualitative at the exploratory level. The research was carried out with a population of 40 students who were divided into 18 men, 22 women and a teacher. The qualitative method used is ethnographic. A spreadsheet and a survey questionnaire were applied in the academic period February-July 2016, which were developed taking into account the research objectives and the information related to the problem. Class size carries some problems to achieve effective teaching, several of these were shown in this research. It was concluded that the teacher and the students think that the class size is an important determinant in the educational process. Thus, they also agree that this influences over time on individual instruction, student engagement, class control, motivational strategies and student attention, blocking the way to obtain effective teaching and learning. Furthermore, this research can help to understand the importance of the problem already mentioned in the educational fields.

Edwin Patricio Chacha Soldado, Edison Hernán Salazar Calderón, Alfonso Fabián Martínez Chávez, Gloria Isabel Escudero Orozco


Crear un camino desde la enseñanza en línea de emergencia a la educación en línea sostenible

This article is a review of state-of-the-art literature related to the emergency online teaching practices that have taken place during the pandemic resulting from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The authors move along, exploring how these emergency online-teaching practices could become sustainable online education. Nonetheless, in several cases, higher education institutions have had to adapt to, and adopt, specific strategies so that they have been able to transfer their face-to-face curriculum to a digital world – for which not everybody was prepared. Best practices are analyzed and proposed, aiming at offering language teachers and, in fact, educators from different fields, with criteria on how they could attain said sustainability, in the light that the current educational scenario, where online education has become ubiquitous, is bound to stay for longer than initially expected. The literature analysis demonstrates that, even though there are a number of teachers and institutions aligned with specific principles of online teaching, such as following and approaching online pedagogy, there is still room for improvement, more specifically in the use of authoring tools (such as video editors and other multimodal tools).

Diana Carolina Campaña Días, María Cristhina Robalino Araujo, Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema, Daniela Alejandra Bonilla Yucailla


The new Physical Education curriculum in Ecuador

The objective of the present study, was to analyze the new physical education curriculum in Ecuador, which has been implemented by the Undersecretary of Educational Foundations of the Ministry, arguing that the changes are adapted to a ten-year plan on inclusion and attention to diversity; and that it also contains a proposal for face-to-face and online training that provides a flexibility methodology so that, the teacher adapts to the needs of the students. For this reason, a readjustment has been made that simplifies the organization contemplated in the presentation of an annual planning to a curriculum by sub-level that covers three years of study. The simplification will be implemented in basic education where there are four sublevels: preparatory, elementary, middle and higher; where for each sublevel an analytical plan is contemplated with its respective mandatory and optional objectives; while the same also happens at the baccalaureate level with a duration of three years. The analysis contemplated the impact of the reform, the subject, the teacher and the students, concluding that any change represents new challenges identifying new problems and strengths that must be influenced through educational alternatives framed in strategies and techniques including students who have difficulties in learning

Iván Giovanny Bonifaz Arias, José Alfredo Sánchez Anilema , Víctor Hugo Herrera Mena, Raul Mauricio Paredes Tapia


Methodological proposal for virtual learning based on learning b applied in educational environments of rural areas with inconclusive schooling

The present developed research develops a methodological proposal based on B-learning to strengthen the quality of virtual learning in rural areas that record unfinished schooling and that limits technological limitations. The Edmodo virtual educational environment platform is chosen for the development of the proposal; after an analysis and comparison with Moodle of its functional characteristics. The B-learning methodology is studied and the virtual model, the structure and the objectives of the proposed methodology are determined, to subsequently elaborate and execute the respective curricular planning. They were established as study parameters to validate the developed proposal, flexibility, availability, learning styles and teaching role; as well as study parameters to validate the strengthening of the continuing education program such as the level of acceptance of the modality, level of acceptance of content and the level of accessibility. Surveys carried out on a sample and population of 50 students are used as a validation tool. The study concludes that Edmodo with 88.09% compared to Moodle with 86.06%, is the most suitable for use in environments with limited technological infrastructure and where learning must be focused on the student. The survey is applied before applying the methodological proposal and after implementing it, determining an improvement of 26.84%, validating the development of the program and therefore the methodological proposal.

Luis Gonzalo Allauca Peñafiel, Jaime David Añapa Chapiro, Lourdes Emperatriz Paredes Castelo


Teaching model for inclusive attention to the needs not associated with a disability of the students of the City of Valencia Educational Unit

En Ecuador el tema de inclusión es algo que se ha dado recientemente, puesto que en tiempos anteriores se mencionaba el término integración que a simple vista parece significar lo mismo, pero no es así. El Estado ecuatoriano ha realizado cambios significativos y ha invertido en la educación, para que esta se vuelva de calidad y calidez. En su momento Ecuador se decidió incluir a niños y niñas con necesidades educativas especiales en las aulas regulares de la en la Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Valencia del Cantón Valencia, los docentes se mostraron preocupados y ciertos educandos se impresionaron al ver la inserción de niños con capacidades diferentes, el entorno educativo tomo un giro notable y se convertía en un escenario diferenciado. Los cambios hasta ahora han sido satisfactorios para la educación, los docentes se han preocupado por prepararse, capacitarse y actualizarse para poder trabajar con niños y niñas que presentar un aprendizaje diferenciado, logrando comprender que todo es posible cuando la persona se propone superar sus propios obstáculos. Este artículo es el producto de la investigación, interpretación y fundamentación teórica y vivencial, donde se observa que cierta parte de estudiantes excluyen a niños y niñas con capacidades diferentes, por lo tanto, el entorno educativo se ve afectado y por ello se realizó este trabajo investigativo, pues se evidencia la necesidad de implementar estrategias pedagógicas para lograr una inclusión positiva de niños y niñas en la institución.

Silvia Leonor García Parrales, Lourdes María Velázquez Lores, Gabriel Arturo Pazmiño Solys, Carlos Mego Cubas


Question creation with Wiris Quizzes on Moodle for evaluation in sciences

Online education grows stronger by the day. The transition from classroom education to the use of an online platform was just a matter of time. Yet, despite the available technologies the transition isn’t the smoothest for some professors and students. Moodle is a free open sourced learning platform developed as a tool to work in benefit of education. It counts with several plugins added by the community for the sole purpose of enhancing long distance education. This paper describes the main tools available for the creation of questions and the design of online evaluations. The effectiveness of these tools is discussed based on their strengths, weaknesses and also the difficulties we may encounter in their application. The topic of current relevance and opens a door to reflect on the handling of these tools and their impact on the teaching-learning process. The Moodle platform, as well as the plugins that are added from the free software community, provide the teacher with several schemes to program questions, and also develop the assessment documents or questionnaire. However, in engineering and science courses a great problem is the implementation of mathematical formulas, since they require a metalanguage that can associate with mathematical language. Both professors and students have to deal with the limitations of the platform in this sense, without an accessible, straightforward and understandable alternative. The challenges that need to be overcome must be faced from an educational and technological standpoint in order to improve the quality of long-distance education. Preliminary experiments show the needs for tools that can be readily applied by any professor without much previous experience, of easy comprehension for the student, and also support the educational process.

Zenaida Natividad Castillo Marrero, Estrella María del Carmen García Romero, Paulina Elizabeth Valverde Aguirre
