University students and the socio-economic aspect

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Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


One of the main factors that we have university students is the economic factor lack of resources that make it difficult to continue with higher education. Although there are many factors that hinder students; being the most important the socio-economic many of the times the same students have to generate their own resources to solve their careers; because parents do not have enough resources or do not have a stable job to pay for their children's studies and sometimes with a large family nucleus. It is by this factor that the university students can not develop to the one hundred percent and better obstan by abandoning their careers At present the education has become something indispensable to be able to develop so much intellectually, and as progress of the society to be a better person, if most of the young people will study would be very fundamental because it would help to reduce poverty in the families since they would have more opportunities to work and also contribute to society with their knowledge acquired during their university preparation. In little resource generated by the state for higher education is not enough to solve; many expenses generated by the university. The present work consists of analyzing and drawing conclusions from the most determining factors in order to be able to continue with higher studies.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Ruano, Y. T. (2018). University students and the socio-economic aspect. ConcienciaDigital, 1(2), 6-15.

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