Tourism Observatory Project for the Amazonian State University

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Tania Cristina Cevallos Punguil
Clímaco Geovani Espín Ortíz
Victor Hugo del Corral Villaroel
Marcelo Geovanny Monge García


One of the great difficulties faced by the tourism sector is access to reliable and truthful information that offers different users, public and private, relevant statistical data on the structure and behavior of this activity that generates income and foreign exchange for Ecuador. From this perspective, tourism in the province of Pastaza and the Amazon Region requires the availability of quality qualitative and quantitative information that guarantees a level of truthfulness, timeliness and relevance, therefore the project set the objective of generating periodic, constant information , updated and relevant of the tourist dynamics that contributes to decision-making processes to the actors involved in the academic, socio-economic and political fields, the methodology applied a mixed approach based on the inductive method since it is necessary to collect information from bibliographic sources , theoretical documents, files, among other inputs and under a deductive rationalist episteme, because the indicators obtained in the field were analyzed. The results showed a matrix of 10 supply and demand indicators, as well as the periodicity of gathering the information. Additionally, the need to link the project to the network of Observatories of the World Tourism Organization was confirmed, so that the Amazonian State University, is positioned and recognized internationally.


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How to Cite
Cevallos Punguil, T. C., Espín Ortíz, C. G., del Corral Villaroel, V. H., & Monge García, M. G. (2021). Tourism Observatory Project for the Amazonian State University. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1), 134-150.


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