Analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Psychological Well-being

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Julio Alfonso Mocha Bonilla
Washington Ernesto Castro Acosta
Patricio Gustavo Ortiz Ortiz
Raúl Guillermo Zambrano Pontón


Introduction. During the month of January 2020 the World Health Organization notified the appearance of a new genome known as sarcov-2, since then the population worldwide has had to face the health crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic, which worsened during the year 2021 in Ecuador and the city of Ambato; the problem of the health emergency and the confinement had an impact on the physical health of people, which generated effects on the mental health, emotions and feelings of individuals. Objective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological well-being and the effects produced by the Covid-19 pandemic in the families of the Pradera neighborhood. Methodology. The study was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic in several families of the Pradera neighborhood in the city of Ambato, the research work was developed under a mixed approach, a descriptive methodology was applied; the study sample consisted of 20 subjects, all heads of household belonging to the residential neighborhood of the Pradera, the data were collected and analyzed in the strongest stage of sanitary confinement in the city of Ambato; the instrument for the collection of information presents categories corresponding to the psychological well-being for adults (BIEPS-A), which is divided into five categories: Self-acceptance, control of situations, social bonds, autonomy and life projects, which was applied by means of technological tools to avoid contagions. Results. The data reveal that 95% of the respondents have a high level of acceptance of their mistakes, that is, self-confidence to make the best decisions to face their family problems in the pandemic stage, however, 50% of the respondents have doubts in making their decisions alone, they depend on their relatives, it could be observed that 65% consider that the effects of the pandemic are in the economic part, 20% in health, 10% in education and only 5% mention the affectation of employment.  Conclusions. In the Pradera neighborhood of the city of Ambato, it was found that in the pandemic health stage, total support is needed from the family to face the psychological and social aspects produced by the pandemic.


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How to Cite
Mocha Bonilla, J. A., Castro Acosta, W. E., Ortiz Ortiz, P. G., & Zambrano Pontón, R. G. (2023). Analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Psychological Well-being. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 734-746.


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