Territorial planning and distribution of benefits in the Chumblín parish, San Fernando canton.

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Mayra Alexandra Pazato Dutan
Dorian Damián Flores Aguilera
Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Introduction. Territorial planning is very important because its main objective is to analyze the existing problems generated by the actions carried out daily by human beings, which are reflected in inequalities in various scenarios such as: environmental, economic, cultural and/or social problems of the various inhabitants; knowing the existing problems in each territory, it seeks to provide solutions in a given time so that when each of the projects established within the territorial planning materializes, a fair and equitable development for the population is achieved as a result. Objective. Design strategies for a land management plan that takes into account equity in the distribution of benefits in the parish of Chumblín, canton San Fernando. Methodology. The theoretical foundation and research methodology, with a qualitative and quantitative technique by using interviews that were directed to the presidents and social actors of the precincts of the parish. Results.  Once the research part was concluded, we proceeded to carry out the procedure and results of the data collection on the aforementioned case study, the verification of the hypothesis was carried out, which allowed us to confirm that the budget of the parish GAD in the period of 2009-2019, has not been distributed equitably, these results have allowed us to generate strategies for the development and improvement of the planning processes that are developed within the administration of the parish GAD that should be governed by the planning laws and thus make a fair distribution of the benefits within the territory. Conclusion. The population of this parish does not participate in the planning of the territory, causing that the distribution of economic resources is not carried out in an equitable way.


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How to Cite
Pazato Dutan, M. A., Flores Aguilera, D. D., & Castillo Ortega, Y. (2021). Territorial planning and distribution of benefits in the Chumblín parish, San Fernando canton . ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 74-93. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i2.1629


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