Electronic commerce in the Austro region, as productivity dynamics

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Edison Becerra Molina
Oscar Calle Masache


Electronic commerce is an activity that has made it possible to carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of services quickly and efficiently. The research aims to know the consumer's perspective regarding commercial transactions under social networks and sales platforms, provide interesting data on the evolution of electronic commerce in the Austro region, and the scope of this new way of doing business.

Therefore, it was convenient to see how the electronic commerce environment develops through suppliers, customers, technological tools, development of solutions and all the elements that allowed this type of activity in the state of health emergency, to have gained momentum in the area, especially in the last six months.

The objectives of the research were to know the supply of goods or services in the market, investigate the consumption or use through digital platforms for online purchases, analyze the main products and / or services purchased online, know the guidelines of security, determine the age ranges that they bought through the internet, and learn about the qualification of online purchases, which have allowed to maintain or denote a growth of many enterprises and businesses at local, regional, national and international levels, helping in an important way to improve their profitability, given that this way of selling and buying optimizes their costs and expenses, modifying their business models and inducing their customers to change their consumption habits.

This research seeks to identify and analyze the factors that strengthen or limit the development of electronic commerce in the cities of Azogues and Cuenca, and its importance in the development of commercial relations in zone 6.


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How to Cite
Becerra Molina, E., & Calle Masache, O. (2020). Electronic commerce in the Austro region, as productivity dynamics. ConcienciaDigital, 3(4), 6-25. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i4.1422


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