Methodological proposal for the solution of geometric applications of ordinary differential equations

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Rómel Manolo Insuasti Castelo
Javier Roberto Mendoza Castillo


Solving problems of geometric application of Ordinary Differential Equations presents certain difficulties when deciding how to treat them to find the differential equation that is present in a given problem. These problems are solved at higher levels of study, where the solution of these is not very clear, for this reason it is tried in this work, to determine a general path, as far as possible, that facilitates the resolution of the problem in progress. For which use is made of a retail analysis, identifying the parts present that affect the problem or data that may be explicit or implicit and a subsequent synthesis, which allows to relate the parts of the problem found in the analysis, fundamentally specifying in the differential equation that is describing the problem in all its parts. The results obtained from this methodology must be verified at the end, to be sure that the resolution process has been developed successfully.


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Insuasti Castelo, R. M., & Mendoza Castillo, J. R. (2020). Methodological proposal for the solution of geometric applications of ordinary differential equations. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 348-357.


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