Flipped classroom and higher education
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Introduction. The inverted classroom is a modern didactic methodology that seeks to break with the paradigms of traditional education. It seeks to place the student as the protagonist of the teaching-learning process. This option is being implemented more in higher education, since in recent years there have been numerous challenges to the sector, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual education, limited access to the Internet, materials, and curricular gaps. Objective. The objective is to promote the use of the inverted classroom methodology in higher education to achieve significant learning for students. Methodology. Based on a restructuring of a research methodology, a mixed approach was applied to contemplate the manipulation of descriptive and numerical data. Subsequently, the data were consolidated and interpreted based on the researchers' criteria. Results. It is of utmost importance to create new methodological strategies that keep students motivated. This methodology allows them to build their own knowledge, based on their abilities and skills. Conclusion. The inverted classroom focuses on the educational environment, seeking that students develop innovative activities that allow meaningful learning and long-term memory. It depends on the teacher's ability to evaluate and know how to use specifically in certain subjects because in certain areas of knowledge there is difficulty in its application. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Significant learning.
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