Quality cost systems for tourist accommodation establishments
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Introduction. Cost of quality (COQ) systems are methodologies that allow tourist accommodation establishments to evaluate their resources used for quality-related purposes. The implementation of COQ systems is crucial to effectively control costs and ensure the delivery of high-quality experiences to customers. By identifying the different types of quality costs, such as prevention costs and evaluation costs to enhance their reputation, build customer confidence and increase customer loyalty. Overcoming these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of the critical components of quality management in the hospitality industry and the integration of quality cost systems into overall management strategies. Objective. To analyze the importance of quality cost analysis in building customer confidence. Methodology. A ten-step literature review methodology is used to collect, analyze and synthesize relevant information from various sources, such as books, academic articles and other documents, to present an overview of the state of knowledge on quality cost systems for tourist accommodation establishments. Results. Eight main results are obtained, among which we have: 1. types of quality costs in tourist accommodation establishments. 2. prevention costs in tourist accommodation establishments. 3.costs of evaluation in tourist accommodation establishments. 4.costs for internal failures in tourist accommodation establishments. 5.external costs of failure in tourist accommodation establishments. 6.advantages of implementing a quality cost system in tourist accommodation establishments 7. challenges of the implementation of a quality cost system in tourist accommodation establishments. 8.practical cases of successful implementation of quality cost systems in tourist accommodation establishments. Conclusion. Quality cost systems play a crucial role in ensuring the success and competitiveness of tourist accommodation establishments. The implementation of quality cost systems in tourist accommodation establishments is crucial to ensure continuous improvement and quality control of the services provided, establishments can effectively control costs and improve the overall guest experience. By collaborating with stakeholders and adopting best practices, tourism accommodation establishments can improve their quality cost systems and ultimately provide a better experience for their guests.
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