Visionario Digital <div id="inicio"> <p><strong>Visionario Digital </strong>is a peer-reviewed scientific magazine that allows the dissemination of research in the areas of <strong>Social Sciences and Behavior, Commercial Education and Administration, Derecho, Periodism and Information </strong>, it is published in digital format quarterly.</p> </div> <div class="additional_content"> <div class="container" style="width: 100%;"> <div class="row2"> <div class="aimcolumn aimleft"><img style="width: 140%;" src="/revistacienciadigital2/public/site/images/diego94/CONTA2-1.jpg"></div> <div class="aimcolumn aimright"> <div class="journal-description"> <p><strong>Visionario Digital </strong>is a peer-reviewed scientific magazine that allows the dissemination of research in the areas of <strong>Social Sciences and Behavior, Commercial Education and Administration, Derecho, Periodism and Information </strong>, it is published in digital format quarterly.</p> </div> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Editor in Chief: </strong>Mrs. Tatiana Carrasco Ruano.</li> <li class="show"><strong>ISSN (online) </strong>: 2602-8506</li> <li class="show"><strong>Frequency: </strong>Quarterly</li> <li class="show"><strong>SJIF Journal impact value: </strong>[ <a href="">SJIF 2022 = 5,792 </a>]</li> <li class="show">&nbsp;</li> </ul> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><a href=";as_sdt=0%2C5&amp;q=2602-8506&amp;btnG=" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="zoom2" src="/revistacienciadigital2/public/site/images/diego94/google-scholar-png1.png" width="119" height="34"></a> &nbsp; <a href=";lookfor=Visionario+Digital&amp;ling=1&amp;oaboost=1&amp;name=&amp;thes=&amp;refid=dcreses&amp;newsearch=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="zoom2" src="/revistacienciadigital2/public/site/images/diego94/base_logo_kl1.png" width="99" height="38"></a> &nbsp; <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="zoom2" src="/revistacienciadigital2/public/site/images/diego94/crossref2.png" width="95" height="43"></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="what-we-do"> <div class="container-fluid2"> <h1 class="section-title mb-2 h1">Why publish with us?</h1> <div class="row2 mt-5"> <div class="col"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-block block-1"> <h3 class="card-title">Open Access</h3> <p>Visionario Digital is a firm in favor of open access (OA). 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These policies aim not only to regulate the movement of people but also to impact national security and socioeconomic progress, with profound implications for the spread of drug trafficking. <strong>Objective.&nbsp; </strong>To analyze the impact of migration policies implemented in Ecuador over the last two decades and their repercussions on the spread of drug trafficking. <strong>Methodology.&nbsp; </strong>Qualitative and hermeneutic. <strong>Results. </strong>Ecuadorian migration policies, designed to regulate national security, have been insufficient in curbing drug trafficking due to proximity to Colombia and deficiencies in the Binational Plan. Minors suffer exploitation without adequate protection, exacerbating marginalization. Despite authorities' efforts to combat drug trafficking, they face corruption and limited resources. <strong>Conclusion. </strong>Compared to Colombia and El Salvador, Ecuador needs to strengthen international cooperation, improve border security, and develop programs to protect young people and offer alternatives to crime. These measures are crucial to mitigating socioeconomic impacts and improving national security.</p> Brandy Alejandra Morales Carrión, María del Carmen Monteros Montaño Copyright (c) 2024 Visionario Digital Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effective possession in Ecuadorian legislation and guarantees for heirs <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>The process of effective possession in Ecuador, crucial for the transfer of assets to heirs, exhibits deficiencies that impact equity and justice in the administration of successions. The lack of transparency, inaccuracies in property descriptions, and the complexity of identifying heirs have exposed issues in current practice. <strong>Objective. </strong>To analyze the effectiveness of the application of effective possession in Ecuadorian legislation, focusing on the guarantees available to heirs and evaluating whether these are adequate in practice. This is broken down into the identification of relevant legal provisions and the assessment of their application by notaries and competent authorities. <strong>Methodology. </strong>A case analysis was conducted where the rights of heirs have been violated, using a review of the current legislation, including the Constitution of the Republic, the Civil Code, the Notarial Law, and the Regulation of the Integral Notarial System of the Judiciary. Current practices were examined to identify deficiencies and areas for improvement. <strong>Results. </strong>The study revealed problems in the management of effective possession, such as a lack of transparency in transactions, inaccuracies in property descriptions, complexity in determining heirs, and the absence of uniform standards in notarial procedures. These deficiencies negatively impact equity and justice in the succession system. <strong>Conclusion. </strong>A reform is necessary to address the identified deficiencies. It is proposed to amend the Notarial Law by creating a supplementary article. This article will establish specific notarial requirements and procedures for the preparation of the act of effective possession as part of succession management and the verification of their rights. Additionally, it will introduce criteria for the creation of a centralized registry of heirs, an automatic update system for the cadastral registry, and methods to ensure the verification of the legitimacy of inheritance claims. These reforms aim to enhance transparency, equity, and legal certainty in the Ecuadorian’s succession system. The implementation of these measures could improve transparency and fairness in the protection of their rights, consolidating a more just and effective succession system in Ecuador. <strong>General area of study:</strong> Civil Law and Succession Procedures. <strong>Specific area of study:</strong> Protection of Heirs' Rights in the Process of Effective Possession in Ecuador. <strong>Type of study:</strong> Original articles.</p> Anthony Brian Segovia Barreiro, Holger Geovannny García Segarra Copyright (c) 2024 Visionario Digital Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Motivation and job performance of the employees in the "Peninsulares Unidos ASOSERPEN" Cleaning Services Association <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Motivation in companies is essential for employee performance and the achievement of organizational goals. A motivating work environment can improve productivity and proactivity. This study focuses on the activities of the <em><u>Asociación de Servicios de Limpieza Peninsulares Unidos (ASORPEN</u></em>) in Santa Elena, where it has been noted that work motivation is closely related to employee performance. Due to a reduction in hiring and a lack of incentives, a notable decrease in employee motivation has been observed, impacting on their productivity and, consequently, the company’s competitiveness. <strong>Objectives:</strong> To evaluate motivation and its impact on job performance among the employees of the <em><u>Asociación de Servicios de Limpieza Peninsulares Unidos (ASORPEN)</u></em> in Santa Elena. <strong>Methodology:</strong> This research is a non-experimental, cross-sectional study focused on motivation and job performance within ASORPEN. A qualitative-quantitative and exploratory approach was employed, drawing on data and previous studies. Surveys and interviews were conducted with 12 members and 3 directors, using non-probabilistic sampling. <strong>Results:</strong> The results revealed a need for timely communication, the promotion of incentives and recognition for members, and finally, strengthened public contracting efforts to allow them access to other markets. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> In conclusion, it is crucial for the board to provide ongoing training in areas relevant to the members and to ensure timely recognition based on their job performance. <strong>General area of study:</strong> Human Talent Management. <strong>Specific area of study:</strong> Human Talent. <strong>Article type:</strong> Original.</p> Claribel Sthefanía Gallegos Quiroz, Temístocles Deodato Loor Chávez Copyright (c) 2024 Visionario Digital Thu, 12 Dec 2024 15:25:55 +0000 The demographic transition and population aging: future challenges for health policy in Ecuador <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>The accelerated aging of the population is evident on a national and international scale, which is why the formulation of policies and strategic plans by nations is necessary to mitigate its effects on society. Themes related to aging are increasingly common around the world. The pace of events and the international meetings to address them have undergone an accelerated agenda to reflect on the possible trends with which governments should address social security and the elderly population itself. This article proposes a statistical analysis of the phenomenon of Aging. Taking these aspects into account, the objective of the research is to analyze the demographic transition and population aging as a positive catalyst for health policy in Ecuador. The study design is non-experimental, with an exploratory scope and qualitative approach. The results show that the main perceived limitations are socio-economic inequalities in basic sectors such as medical care and pensions, the demand for care and health problems specific to age. Likewise, other limitations evident are the lack of skills in the operation of new systems based on the use of information and communication technologies. For all this, governments must implement short and medium-term solutions that contribute to their resolution or mitigation, because of new social challenges, so that the quality of life, well-being status and adequate social inclusion can be increased. <strong>Objective. </strong>Analyze the demographic transition and population aging as a positive catalyst for health policy in Ecuador. <strong>Methodology. </strong>To develop this research, the descriptive analytical method is used, considering the factors that contribute to demographic changes, exploring the intricate interaction of socioeconomic, cultural and health care-related variables that support aging populations. The focus will then turn to an in-depth examination of the systemic challenges facing health systems as they grapple with the increased demand for specialized care, the prevalence of chronic diseases, and the need to address physical, psychological, and social dimensions of aging in Ecuador. <strong>Results. </strong>The demographic transition and population aging are the result of social and economic progress that increased life expectancy of an age group of the population compared to another group that decreased fertility. The magnitudes and times in which these declines were achieved led to increases in the percentage and absolute participation of the population in advanced ages, creating an inertia that characterizes the 21st century. In Ecuador it is a process that is framed in a development context that requires adapting population policy to new circumstances. The first consideration is to recognize that everything starts from the vulnerability of the population at advanced ages, when advancing age increases health risks and decreases physical and mental capacities, thus causing loss of autonomy, decreased adaptability, social and economic dependence. <strong>Conclusion. </strong>This work highlights the urgency for health systems to adapt to demographic changes, particularly the challenges posed by an aging population. It advocates an initiative-taking and holistic approach, calling for policy interventions, innovative healthcare models and a re-evaluation of societal perspectives on ageing. In this sense the complexities inherent in demographic transitions, health systems can strive to achieve inclusion, sustainability, and improved quality of life for the growing older population. <strong>General area of study:</strong> Public Administration. <strong>Specific area of study:</strong> Public policies. <strong>Type of study:</strong>&nbsp; Original articles.</p> Jeannette de Lourdes Larrea Naranjo, Javier Alonso Viñán Carrera Copyright (c) 2024 Visionario Digital Fri, 13 Dec 2024 15:26:43 +0000 Constitutional precedent as a source of law in the Ecuadorian legal system <p><strong>Introducción: </strong>la constitución del 2008 supuso un cambio en el sistema normativo de nuestro país, específicamente en las fuentes del derecho, pues a partir de entonces, la carta magna adquirió un papel preponderante en cuanto todos los otros cuerpos normativos de menor jerarquía deben guardar armonía con los principios positivados en la misma. Es en este escenario que se instituyó a la <u>Corte Constitucional</u> como órgano de control e interpretación normativa y a su vez, se reconoce el carácter vinculante de las decisiones emanadas por este órgano. Decisiones que reciben el nombre de precedente constitucional y que, al no encontrarse dentro de las fuentes del derecho descritas en el artículo 425 de la constitución ecuatoriana varios juristas han llegado a manifestar incluso que el precedente constitucional no constituye una fuente del derecho. <strong>Objetivos:</strong> esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar al precedente constitucional de modo que podamos entender mejor su origen, características y diferenciarlas de otras figuras jurídicas parecidas, pero no iguales como es el caso de la jurisprudencia. <strong>Metodología:</strong> se realizó una revisión bibliográfica,&nbsp; principalmente el método analítico, para determinar el orden del pensamiento, el deductivo para estudiar y analizar los conceptos generales del precedente constitucional, sus principales características y su naturaleza jurídica; el científico nos servirá para recopilar información fidedigna emitida por los doctrinarios; el método analítico-sintético que nos permita analizar conceptos, doctrina y jurisprudencia del precedente constitucional, y expresarlos en conceptos e ideas propias y finalmente, el método hermenéutico nos permitirá estudiar y analizar las normas positivas relacionadas al precedente, haremos un análisis cualitativo en virtud del particular carácter de las ciencias sociales como el derecho, y específicamente el derecho constitucional. <strong>Discusión</strong><strong>: </strong>el precedente horizontal a su vez se divide en hetero vinculante y auto vinculante. La auto vinculatoriedad opera cuando el fundamento de una decisión judicial emitida por jueces de un tribunal obliga a los mismos jueces a resolver de la misma forma si es que tuviesen un caso similar en el futuro. La hetero vinculatoriedad en cambio significa que el fundamento de una decisión judicial que ha sido tomada por jueces que componen un cierto tribunal obliga a otros jueces del mismo tribunal a resolver de igual manera ante casos similares.&nbsp; <strong>Conclusiones: </strong>el análisis nos llevó a concluir que el precedente constitucional, además de ser una fuente normativa de carácter vinculante ostenta un rango constitucional, lo que la convierte en una valiosa herramienta para la práctica y ejercicio del derecho en el país. <strong>Área de estudio general: </strong>Derecho. <strong>Área de estudio específica: </strong>Derecho constitucional. <strong>Tipo de estudio: </strong>original.</p> Fabian Gualberto del Pino Villa, Ramiro Javier Suarez Venegas Copyright (c) 2025 Visionario Digital Sat, 14 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000