The pros and cons of the internet in society

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Efraín Velasteguí López


The purpose of this work is to describe and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the internet in society, since it is a global network that has a great influence on the present, it is present in many homes, public institutions, private, educational centers. The internet is also counted as me of communication since we can send messages, make calls videos, apart from this also helps us with library catalogs, make purchases in positive aspects.

But there are also negative aspects i.e. disadvantages such as the abuse of certain social networks and even the misuse of those, it should be emphasized that it is not only social networks but also with certain scammers posing as people who are not actually. The internet, and specifically talking about social media, allows our information to be provided to people we don't know but who their intentions are detrimental to our integrity and the well-being of our family.

Undoubtedly, the internet and social networks revolutionized the way they communicate, as it allowed to enhance the concurrency and immediacy of information, but mainly by the possibility of "uploading", systematizing and classifying information in a common virtual space. Today there is no talk of media, but media, moving from a traditional scheme to an interactive, changing and dynamic process.

A social network is a space created virtually to facilitate interaction between people. They are places on the Internet where people or users post and share all kinds of information, personal or professional, with other people, known and absolute unknown.

In this research report we will talk about all these negative and positive aspects that in one way or another have a great influence on the daily life of society for better or worse. The internet provides information as an advantage, but other factors that are almost directly related as social networks such as bad information must be taken into account.


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How to Cite
Velasteguí López, E. (2019). The pros and cons of the internet in society. ConcienciaDigital, 2(1), 35-45.


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