The creativity and benefits it causes to apply in companies for business competitiveness

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Pablo Homero Velasteguí López


Creativity is not only the process of generating ideas but also the management of them so that they can be translated into innovations that add value to the company. It is important to note the importance that Creativity acquires when it comes to dealing with the strategic, organizational, competitive, problematic, etc., present and future situations that are part of business life.

 Each author makes his own interpretation about creativity, but from the point of view of this as the origin of innovation we would define it as: "Creativity means the creation of something that is original, that is new and therefore that goes beyond what It is a valuable and useful tool for those who have generated it and for its environment, the term creativity can be understood as the process of generating new ideas or as a result of This process ends with the creation of something new, in short, Creativity is understood as the processes aimed at generating this innovative and useful idea because the result we understand is innovation, the change that occurs in an organization if that idea it is set in motion. "


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How to Cite
Velasteguí López, P. H. (2018). The creativity and benefits it causes to apply in companies for business competitiveness. ConcienciaDigital, 1(4), 6-23.


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