Attractiveness - Tourism destination competitiveness. Evaluation of Holguín for US market

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Justa Ramona Medina Labrada
Elizabeth del Carmen Pérez Ricardo
Milagros de las Mercedes Riquenes Gainza


The restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States in 2015 caused a significant growth in the flow of American visitors to Cuba. In spite of the legal restrictions currently discouraging such flows, it was considered convenient to evaluate the attractiveness - competitiveness of the Holguín tourist destination for different segments of US clients. To develop the study, a procedure was proposed, which considers the best previous experiences and combines the analysis of attractiveness and competitiveness. As a result of the application of the procedure were determined the favorable and unfavorable aspects of the Holguín destination in relation to the tourist attractiveness for each segment studied; as well as the competitive position occupied by Holguin for the segments of yachtsmen, cruise passengers and those who access by air. Recommendations were made to favor the effective management of the Holguín destination for this market.


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How to Cite
Medina Labrada, J. R., Pérez Ricardo, E. del C., & Riquenes Gainza, M. de las M. (2019). Attractiveness - Tourism destination competitiveness. Evaluation of Holguín for US market. ConcienciaDigital, 2(4), 43-55.


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