Economic evaluation of the Pucate hacienda

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Fabián Augusto Almeida López
Paula Alexandra Toalombo Vargas
Julio Cesar Benavides Lara
Jhon Javier Uvidia Fassler


This evaluation was carried out in the Hacienda "Pucate" located in the sector of the same name belonging to the Chambo canton, Chimborazo province, in this work the economic evaluation of this facility was executed; the total costs for milk production on the farm were $ 178,968.28; variable costs represented 75.78% of the investment ($ 135,623.71), while 18.01% is represented by fixed costs ($ 32,236.05) and property depreciation represented 6.21% being ( $ 11,108.52), the average milk production per month reported us 37039.24 liters with an average of 87 animals in production, taking into account the fixed costs, variable costs and depreciation of goods, it was determined that the cost per liter of milk produced is of $ 0.41 cents and according to the records in that period it was marketed at $ 0.52 cents obtaining a profit per liter of $ 0.11 cents; The results indicated that the economic efficiency of the fiscal year of 2017, taking into account the one based on the study of the indices of the productive elements, decreed that the farm has a benefit / cost ratio of 1.31; which is convenient, even more so if we are aware that the dairy sector in the country is suffering a great crisis, that this important sector of the economy is about to collapse, leaving a socio-economic result of negative impact.


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Almeida López, F. A., Toalombo Vargas, P. A., Benavides Lara, J. C., & Uvidia Fassler, J. J. (2020). Economic evaluation of the Pucate hacienda. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 307-321.


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