Automation of the diagnosis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and its health risk factors. Anthropometric evaluation in university

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Nelly Ivonne Guananga Díaz
Freddy Román Guananga Díaz
Cecilia Alejandra García Ríos
Absalón Wilberto Guerrero Rivera


Production The objective of the work was to automate the diagnosis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and its risk factors for health. An analytical cross-sectional study has been carried out in 232 students (67.24% women and 32.72% men) of the chemistry career of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in Riobamba, Ecuador. The study was based on anthropometric measures: age, sex, height, weight, waist and hip. Subsequently, the BMI, % fat, fat distribution and health risks were established according to the WHO classification. For data analysis, a multiple regression model was used. The analysis shows that BMI has a strong association with % fat, which in turn is highly differentiated according to sex. In men: mean age (21.76 ± 2.44) years, % Fat (16.91 ± 3.99), BMI (23.37 ± 3.20) Kg/m2, and fat distribution (88.06 ± 4.97); in women: mean age (20.94 ± 1.90) years, % fat (27.34 ± 4.34), BMI (23.46 ± 3.56) Kg/m2 and fat distribution (85.16 ± 5.87). General health risks: normal 64.66%, thin I 5.17%, thin II 1.29%, thin III 0.43 %, overweight 23.70% (14.65 % women, 9 % men), obesity I 3.31 % and obesity II 0.43 %. Anthropometric indicators identify health risks that must be addressed in an emergent way in the short and medium term.


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Guananga Díaz, N. I., Guananga Díaz, F. R., García Ríos, C. A., & Guerrero Rivera, A. W. (2020). Automation of the diagnosis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and its health risk factors. Anthropometric evaluation in university. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 189-211.


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