Teaching model for inclusive attention to the needs not associated with a disability of the students of the City of Valencia Educational Unit

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Silvia Leonor García Parrales
Carlos Mego Cubas
Gabriel Arturo Pazmiño Solys


Introduction: In Ecuador the issue of inclusion is something that has occurred recently, since in previous times the term integration was mentioned, which at first glance seems to mean the same thing, but it is not. The Ecuadorian State has made significant changes and invested in education, so that it becomes of quality and warmth. Objective: To include boys and girls with special educational needs in regular classrooms at the Ciudad de Valencia Educational Unit of the Cantón Valencia. Methodology. The research design was quantitative, applied, field, action, retrospective and descriptive. The population was students with special abilities from the Valencia City Educational Unit of the Canton Valencia. Results. In the teaching work, the socio-affective relationship of the students must be taken into account, instilling values ​​of respect among them, and that in turn must be immersed in the content taught in classes. It is important that legal representatives and parents of families should be more aware of the activities carried out by their representatives, and get involved in programs carried out by the school to learn a little more about inclusive education, and understand that it is not a risk to integrate to boys and girls with special educational needs in the classroom.


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How to Cite
García Parrales, S. L., Mego Cubas, C., & Pazmiño Solys, G. A. (2020). Teaching model for inclusive attention to the needs not associated with a disability of the students of the City of Valencia Educational Unit. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 155-160. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.1.1377


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