Design and implementation of an integrated system to reduce downtime in industrial production lines.

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Luis Stalin López Telenchana
José Luis Pérez Rojas


This research shows the implementation of an integrated system that analyzes the failure modes of the different physical assets that make up an industrial production line, in order to be able to determine in a real way the main causes and events that cause the appearance of downtime in lines. of industrial production in order to find solutions that allow reducing these times. The implementation of the system was carried out methodically in seven stages. In the first, the objective of integration is established; In the second stage, the information of the industrial process is collected and filtered in a database; the third stage generates standardization indices based on the failure modes; the fourth stage develops the exploration of informative data obtained in the collection and filtration; In the fifth stage, the appropriate mathematical model is established; the sixth stage establishes the procedure for calculating the Global Equipment Effectiveness indices; finally, the seventh stage quantitatively analyzes the results of the implementation of the integrated system. The WEKA platform was used by means of the J48 decision tree to establish a real evaluation, thus, from the implementation of the system, it was possible to achieve an increase of 4,48% in the overall efficiency of the physical assets of the production line


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How to Cite
López Telenchana, L. S., & Pérez Rojas, J. L. (2020). Design and implementation of an integrated system to reduce downtime in industrial production lines. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 126-141.


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