Stratigraphic correlation through vertical, directional and horizontal wells, of the geological formations of the canton La Joya de los Sachas, Orellana - Ecuador

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David Isaac Cuenca Gualán
Gregory Guillermo Cuesta Andrade
Christian Orlando Camacho López
Jenny Priscila Granja Carrera


This investigative work mainly comprises 3 phases. The first one is based on the analysis of Drilling Reports and Mud Loggin of oil wells of the vertical, directional and horizontal types, which were drilled in the canton of La Joya de los Sachas located in the province of Orellana - Ecuador. In the second instance, a stratigraphic correlation of the main subsoil formations of this canton has been developed. Which is based on a manual analysis of the history of the wells, classifying them in stratigraphic units prior to entering the information into the GMS® software to build three-dimensional cross sections between holes. Finally, the minerals are identified and characterized with some of their properties from the identified formations. Therefore, there are anhydrite facies that correspond to the base material for the generation of oil, sandstone, claystone and limonite packages, corresponding to the Tiyuyacu formation, being interbedded by siliceous conglomerate strata, belonging to the Orteguaza Formation. In addition to this, it is observed that the anhydrite face forms an anticline fold whose crest is close to minus -160msnm, in turn, below the sandstone, claystone and limonite packages, a coal face is shown forming a synclinal fold from -350msnm


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How to Cite
Cuenca Gualán , D. I., Cuesta Andrade , G. G., Camacho López , C. O., & Granja Carrera , J. P. (2020). Stratigraphic correlation through vertical, directional and horizontal wells, of the geological formations of the canton La Joya de los Sachas, Orellana - Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 95-103.


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