How to control hyperactive children in the classroom

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Vicenta Melania Serrano Galarza
Luis Aníbal Torres Jiménez
Maura María Cedeño Salavarría
Kira Gipssi Sarmiento Espinoza


Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (ADHD) react immediately to any stimuli that are presented around them since their attention is very short and this is the reason why they make mistakes with much more frequency than children who reflect. The teacher must know the strategies that can be used within the process of learning development in those students, in such a way that he can optimize the different behaviors. The learning capacity that they possess should be taken into account in the learning process. Undoubtedly, the majority of children who have these inappropriate behaviors have difficulties in learning, therefore their way of behaving is not that they want to act that way but rather they cannot control themselves. When children are restless, they release hormones along with racing emotions of failure. Every time they execute a reaction such as throwing objects, tantrums, aggression, escape, tantrums among others. These behaviors do not mean that we should tolerate them but that we should be understanding with them and in turn help them in the most convenient way. It should be noted that the majority of these aggressive children repeatedly regret their attitudes and say they will not do it again when we make them see reason. However, each time they return to perform the same intolerable behaviors that express great concern when realizing that they cannot change and also because they did.


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How to Cite
Serrano Galarza, V. M., Torres Jiménez, L. A., Cedeño Salavarría, M. M., & Sarmiento Espinoza, K. G. (2020). How to control hyperactive children in the classroom. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 88-94.


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