Incredible creative learning strategies to train students with social responsibility in the XXI century

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Ruth Mabel Quila Franco
Pedro Luna Sevillano
Dannes Joel Suárez Cerezo
Mirian Narciza Pérez Rocafuerte


The article is focused on the proposal to implement creative learning strategies through the design of an interactive teaching guide that promotes social responsibility in students of the 21st century. Students will learn to conduct themselves in student life with full responsibility. In this way we will apply specific objectives such as: Diagnosing the level of creative learning and social responsibility of the student. They will develop interactive teaching guide. The same that will be validated parents, teachers and authorities, on its effectiveness.  It is interesting that all students develop creative learning to improve social responsibility and activate their journal obtaining objective and functional learning. Today teachers do not apply methodologies like; Paradigm, positivist, critical partner, interpretive, approaches, qualitative and quantitative nor do they implement the appropriate strategies to develop the creative learning of the students. If social responsibility is encouraged in students, they will demonstrate their creative learning by applying the following strategies: 1. Direct students to master the facilitator scenario in times when the teacher is absent for “X” reasons. 2. Promote a dynamic and entertaining class. 3.Make your weaknesses your strengths. 4. Develop your creativity by discovering and developing small and large inventions. 5 Give confidence and motivate your students to write what their ideal teacher would be like, that they would like to learn to focus more on their professional goals. 6. Include yourself in their interests, care about each of your students without detracting from their intellectual capacity. 7 Instill self-learning, there are no fears or mistakes, always recognize their progress. 8. Make your work known to parents so that together they help develop creativity, intelligence and social responsibility in your students.


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How to Cite
Quila Franco, R. M., Luna Sevillano, P., Suárez Cerezo, D. J., & Pérez Rocafuerte, M. N. (2020). Incredible creative learning strategies to train students with social responsibility in the XXI century. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 36-43.


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