Analysis of the state of the art of Soft Computing Techniques applied to network planning problems in 5G.

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Vasconez Núñez Vanessa Alexandra


The current article developed a review of the state of the art about the application of Soft Computing techniques in solving planning problems of 5G networks. To achieve this, the different existing Soft Computing techniques were classified (neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms) and models proposed and methods of solution were considered from works and research developed about the subject according to their authors. Additionally, the most relevant investigations described techniques which are specified to solve problems of architectures and crucial functionalities in the development of this technology, highlighting the following: finding an optimal position for a Base Station (BS) in an area of particular interest, operating in the desired multiple frequency bands while maintaining high gain, limiting power consumption in 5G network infrastructures, and trying to increase quality of service by decreasing the probability of call blocking. To conclude, the most applied Soft Computing techniques in solving planning problems of 5G networks are fuzzy logic, in order to limit the energy consumption in 5G network infrastructures, in addition to artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for admission of calls in 5G networks, increasing quality of service by reducing interference.


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Vanessa Alexandra, V. N. (2020). Analysis of the state of the art of Soft Computing Techniques applied to network planning problems in 5G. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.2), 60-79.


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