Effectiveness of cluster of cuadrupe differentiation (CD4) in forecast of patients with HIV.

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Laura Judith Zúñiga Fariño
Lorena Paola Ramírez Morán
Pedro José Orellana Fariño
Nancy Corina Sánchez Coronel


Introduction. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one that destroys certain cells of the immune system, altering or canceling its function. A CD4 count below 200 cells / mm3 indicates serious damage to the immune system, it is a sign of AIDS in people infected with HIV, considered a public health problem, both because of the impressive morbidity and mortality figures. Objective. To determine the efficacy of Cluster of quadrupe differentiation (CD4) in prognosis of patients with HIV from Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital of the year 2018. Methodology. The research design was quantitative, retrospective, descriptive and transversal. The population was 543 cases and the sample of 100 patients taken from the medical records of the AS400 system of 2018, a data collection sheet was made that consisted of 13 items, was validated by judgments of specialists and health experts qualifying validity, relevance and coherence. Results. Among the most frequent results, 57% met the prognosis in the effectiveness of CD4, male (81%), 25 to 35 years old (30%), Mestizos (81%), from the province of Guayas (85%), active type affiliation (71%), presented complications (73%), tuberculosis (34%), the initial value of CD4 at 3 months was in patients between 200 and 500 cells / mm3 with (51%) , value at 6 months was greater than 500 cells / mm3 with (52%). Conclusion. It was concluded that more than half have CD4 efficacy, however many patients presented complications during treatment.


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Zúñiga Fariño, L. J., Ramírez Morán, L. P., Orellana Fariño, P. J., & Sánchez Coronel, N. C. (2020). Effectiveness of cluster of cuadrupe differentiation (CD4) in forecast of patients with HIV. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.2), 6-18. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i2.2.1242


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