Techno-pedagogical tool in metacognition, reading comprehension and meaningful learning in higher basic students

Introduction. Technological advances have strengthened the dissemination of scientific knowledge reflected in teaching through virtual environments that influence language development, pronunciation, the ability to detect problems and find solutions. Goal. implement a techno-pedagogical tool to reinforce reading comprehension with an emphasis on metacognition and meaningful learning in Higher Basic students at the Chibuleo Bilingual Intercultural Millennium Educational Unit in Ambato. Methodology. the mixed approach was applied (qualitative with theoretical and quantitative support based on statistical analysis), the design was non-experimental, no manipulation and control were carried out, the researchers are limited to the observation of facts and events as they occur in their natural environment, the documentary bibliographical modality (literature review) and field 8 contact with reality were used), the levels were exploratory (little known topic, little information), descriptive data were collected regarding each category, concepts and contexts that favor their deepening, it was correlational by establishing a relationship between the variables, the sample includes 30 students and 8 educators in the area of ​​Language and Literature. Conclusions. the expository classes generate limitations in awareness, in cognitive processes, mental effort, self-regulation, while the insufficient use of digital resources increases difficulties in accessing knowledge, self-concept, self-esteem and motivation. Results. the resources and strategies used by the teacher favored motivation, active participation, reflexivity, self-awareness and self-control, being able to self-direct their learning and transfer it to other areas of their lives, with a focus on self-learning, the development of metacognitive skills, with a constructivist perspective, product of a continuous interaction aimed at strengthening cognitive skills linked to problem solving, communication, critical and reflective reading.

Mónica Narciza López Pazmiño, Martha Gladys Maliza Chasi , Ernesto Antonio Guevara Ortiz, Paulo Ricardo Yautibug Barrera
