GeoGebra as a resource for teaching mathematics in the first year of high school

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Inés Maribel Barros Tapia
Roxana Auccahuallpa Fernández
Juan Carlos Erazo Álvarez


One of the fundamental problems in mathematics, on the part of the students of the BGU, is the operations with vectors, by the different corresponding graphic methods and hence its importance of study and search for a process to be carried out, that possesses creativity, dynamism, easy to use and more advantages in favor of the learner, provided by the GeoGebra program. For the methodology of teaching mathematics, it is necessary that the teacher together with the student explore the different possibilities of solving the exercises and join the traditional. What follows is that technology was not previously incorporated, such as a comparison between graphical and analytical methods of dichotomous interaction of theory and practice carried out in GeoGebra and applying ICT, with the traditional ones carried out on the blackboard; such as differences in time savings, accuracy in graphics, creativity, etc., so that the student is the direct observer of their changes and successes in understanding. Even more so when we carry out an investigation of students from the rural sector and their deficiencies for the management of technology.


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How to Cite
Barros Tapia, I. M., Auccahuallpa Fernández, R., & Erazo Álvarez, J. C. (2022). GeoGebra as a resource for teaching mathematics in the first year of high school. Explorador Digital, 6(4), 42-59.


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