La atractividad del mercado estadounidense para el destino turístico: La Habana

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Daniela González Barreras
Claudia Cuevas Alarcón
Yennifer Sánchez Borges


The present investigation arises because of the problematic of the identification of the most attractive segments of American demand for the competitiveness of the tourist destination Havana. The main objective of the investigation is evaluating the attractiveness of the possible demand segments for the tourist destination of Havana within the mega-market USA taking into account the competitiveness of the destination. The methodology developed by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) and National Geographic Traveler (NGT) was used for the socio-psychographic segmentation of American travelers. The empirical methods used were the documentary analysis and the Delphi method, through which the indicators were identified and evaluated to measure the attractiveness of the market and the competitiveness of the destination in the conformation of the Attraction- Competitiveness Matrix. The Consolidated segment is the most attractive for the current situation of the tourist destination of Havana.


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How to Cite
González Barreras, D., Cuevas Alarcón, C., & Sánchez Borges, Y. (2019). La atractividad del mercado estadounidense para el destino turístico: La Habana. Explorador Digital, 3(4), 43-54.


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