Blockchain technology, an alternative to revolutionize the Cuban tourism sector

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María Teresa García Andraca
Yucert Hernández Calderón
Yasser Vázquez Alfonso
Luis Efrain Velastegui Lopez


Cuba is currently immersed in the process of informatization of society, which includes the appropriation of the advantages and culture of technological advances and info communications. A crucial step in this direction could be the study and deep knowledge of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is presented as a revolution that solves the problems of vulnerability that the Internet has been presenting, as well as a possibility of application against the problems of computer security undecipherable to third parties. This technology has begun to have an impact in various fields beyond IT. Despite this, existing studies on the subject are still insufficient, especially in Cuba. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate this disruptive technology and its applications in the tourism sector. In this research a systematization of the subject is conducted. At first, an approach to the phenomenon is made; establishing its history, main definitions, advantages, disadvantages and types of networks; given that the information on the evolution and characteristics of the blockchain is still little known and disseminated. In a second chapter, its applications in the tourism sector are analyzed and, finally, based on Cuba's economic situation, its use is evaluated. This research aims to be a first approach to the topic to disseminate the possible uses of blockchain in the Cuban tourism sector and to open new research on the subject.


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How to Cite
García Andraca, M. T., Hernández Calderón, Y., Vázquez Alfonso, Y., & Velastegui Lopez, L. E. (2022). Blockchain technology, an alternative to revolutionize the Cuban tourism sector. Explorador Digital, 6(1), 31-50.


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