Hematological indicators of feline viral leukemia in apparently healthy cats

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Jessica Paola Moyano Morocho
Pablo Giovanny Rubio Arias


Introduction. Nowadays, veterinary hematological profiles in all species, in felines, have taken a significant importance in clinical practice as a diagnostic aid in the evaluation of the patient, being this the object of research. Objective. To identify hematologic parameters in healthy cats that attended veterinary consultation with clinical suspicion of feline leukemia. Methodology. The hematologic results obtained by the mechanical method of blood collection from twenty-seven healthy cats attending for consultation were analyzed. Each patient underwent hemogram and immunochromatography test for feline viral leukemia. Results. According to the statistical analysis it is determined that if a patient is below the normal values in hematocrit, platelets, and leukocytes or at most the maximum of normal and the value of lymphocytes is higher than its normal range, the patient has the disease. Conclusions. According to the present patient study, it is concluded that, if a feline presents values below the normal values in hematocrit, platelets and leukocytes and a value above the normal value of lymphocytes together with signs referring to feline viral leukemia during the consultation veterinary, it can be determined that it is a cat with asymptomatic feline viral leukemia by checking with the immunochromatographic test.


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How to Cite
Moyano Morocho, J. P., & Rubio Arias, P. G. (2023). Hematological indicators of feline viral leukemia in apparently healthy cats. ConcienciaDigital, 6(2), 103-114. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i2.2544


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