Reading skill development through CLIL Methodology

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Gabriela Margarita Ramírez Casco
Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Introduction. In the mid-90s, as a result of the language policies adopted in Europe to improve the language skills of its citizens, a new approach to language learning emerged, this was named, Content Integrated Learning and Foreign Languages (CLIL). With the same vision, within the changes made in its educational policy, since 2016 Ecuador implements this approach in its foreign language curriculum. Objective. The objective of this work was to provide evidence on the effectiveness of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the acquisition of reading competence compared to the traditional learning of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the first year of Bachillerato at Unidad Educativa Riobamba. Methodology. The study was carried out based on a quantitative method, quasi experimental design and it was applied in two moments: pre and post- test. In order to determine the statistical differences in the reading comprehension process between the two groups of students, CLIL reading texts were applied to a population of 60 students, which 30 students represented the control group and all the other remaining students were the experimental group. The control group was evaluated after using the textbook as the only class teaching material and, the experimental group, was evaluated after receiving CLIL classes using its corresponding materials. Results. The results indicated that students in the experimental group showed at the end of the project, a significant development in reading comprehension and vocabulary. Conclusion. Therefore, through this research it was determined that the use of CLIL texts directly influenced the development of reading comprehension and requires teachers to start using this approach.


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Ramírez Casco, G. M., & Mena Mayorga, J. I. (2021). Reading skill development through CLIL Methodology . ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 68-80.


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