Evaluation of the tourist potentialities of the protected natural landscape The Great Stone, for the development of modalities of Rural Tourism

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Taylen Peláez Rodríguez
Misleidis Basulto Guilarte
Yisel Villalón Sorzano


The present investigation assumes as objective: To evaluate the tourist potentialities of the protected natural landscape The Great Stone for the development of modalities of Rural Tourism. Their realization was aided of theoretical and technical methods of summary of information, like surveys and questionnaires with evaluation approaches. Scientific tools were used as the Differential Womb I and II to analyze the competition, the Womb of potentialities to evaluate the tourist potential and the Main DAFO for the strategic analysis of the current situation of the area. They were used you also program computational like the software of Decision 1.0 for the validation of experts and the SPSS in their version 15.0 for the prosecution of surveys. The applied methodology demonstrated that the studied area has high potentialities for the development of the Rural Tourism that this landscape is as leader in the modality of Tourism of Nature in the county. It was evidenced that the Landscape Natural Protected Great Stone has attractiveness and communities surrounding that could be included in the range of offers and to be marketed in a sustainable way as part of the Modality of Rural Tourism, what allowed to propose a group of strategies and actions with the purpose of enhance in a future the area, as possible product of Rural Tourism.


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How to Cite
Peláez Rodríguez, T., Basulto Guilarte, M., & Villalón Sorzano, Y. (2018). Evaluation of the tourist potentialities of the protected natural landscape The Great Stone, for the development of modalities of Rural Tourism. ConcienciaDigital, 1(2), 41-52. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v1i2.858


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