Sustainability as a reference for the management of tourist destinations

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Martha Omara Robert Beatón


The objective of this work is to determine the tools, methods and/or models that allow us to evaluate sustainability in a tourist destination, taking as a base those referred to in the scientific literature consulted and based on parameters defined in previous researches on the study of sustainability. Using fundamentally the methods of synthesis of the bibliography on the subject object of study and the comparative analysis. The results of this analysis showed that model tools and methods do not allow to evaluate sustainability from an interdimensional, intradimensional and multidimensional approach that integrates the complex dynamics that concur in the management of a tourist destination, laying the foundations for conducting research from other areas of knowledge in the search for instruments aimed at recognizing and understanding the holistic vision of sustainability in tourist destinations.


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Robert Beatón, M. O. (2018). Sustainability as a reference for the management of tourist destinations. ConcienciaDigital, 1(1), 34-46.


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