Legal analysis for proposing reform to the provision regulating the crime of sexual abuse in ecuadorian penal legislation

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Lizeth Verónica Soto Palacios
Diego Fernando Trelles Vicuña


Introduction: The legal analysis of article 170 of the Organic Integral Penal Code focuses on the circumstances surrounding the application of the penal provision in cases of sexual abuse, particularly observing the temporal range established for the imposition of custodial sentences in specific situations. This study seeks to understand and evaluate the practical application of this provision in the legal system. Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze and propose reforms to article 170 of the Organic Integral Penal Code to establish a new graduation of custodial sentences in cases of sexual abuse. The aim is to reduce the minimum range of these penalties without affecting the victims' access to justice, guaranteeing a sanction proportional to the seriousness of the crime.  Methodology: This research adopts a qualitative approach, based on theoretical foundations and literature review to understand in depth the legal context and the implications of the proposed reforms. The analytical-synthetic method is used, which involves the development of critical thinking to analyze and synthesize relevant information. In addition, the historical-logical method is used to study the evolution of the circumstances of the proposed reforms.  Results: The proposed reform results in a new graduation of the ranges of custodial sentences for the crime of sexual abuse, with a reduction in the minimum range of these sentences. However, this modification does not affect the victims' access to justice or their right to obtain full reparation. It ensures that the penalties imposed are proportional to the seriousness of the crime, maintaining a balance between the protection of victims' rights and justice for the accused. Conclusion: The proposed reform to article 170 of the Organic Integral Penal Code seeks to improve the effectiveness and proportionality of penalties in cases of sexual abuse. This reform, by reducing the minimum range of custodial sentences, seeks to ensure a more equitable and fair legal response, without compromising victims' access to justice or the severity of punishment for the most severe crimes.  


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How to Cite
Soto Palacios, L. V., & Trelles Vicuña, D. F. (2024). Legal analysis for proposing reform to the provision regulating the crime of sexual abuse in ecuadorian penal legislation . ConcienciaDigital, 7(2), 44-66.


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