Family factors that influence the consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances in adolescents of the Amor y Vida Rehabilitation Center in Cuenca - Ecuador

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Ana Angélica Chiriboga Pástor
Johny Alejandro Arreaga Guillermo
Blanca de los Ángeles Herrera Hugo


Drug and alcohol use in adolescence is a public health problem that requires attention and commitment from all social actors, including parents, educators, health professionals and authorities. The objective of this study is to identify the family factors that affect the consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances in adolescents from CETAD Amor y Vida, categorizing them into a range of prevalence where the main factors that originate can be glimpsed. The research used a non-experimental approach supported by quantitative and statistical methods, several techniques were used, such as documentary research; the bibliographic technique, which allowed the use of digital databases; and, finally, the field technique, which involved the application of previously designed surveys with twenty-two items that made it possible to collect quantitative data; A cross-sectional study was established, during the period March - May 2023. The results revealed that the majority of the population of the Amor y Vida Addiction Center consume due to constant social pressure, being the main factor of their addiction, represented by 45%. It is concluded that the most prevalent factors in patients admitted to the Rehabilitation Center were social pressure, family abandonment due to migration, and generational consumption.


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How to Cite
Chiriboga Pástor, A. A., Arreaga Guillermo, J. A., & Herrera Hugo, B. de los Ángeles. (2023). Family factors that influence the consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances in adolescents of the Amor y Vida Rehabilitation Center in Cuenca - Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(2.1), 135-150.


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