Mathematical calculation of the Balanced Scorecard C.M.I.

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Susan Macarena Quirola Zambrano
Francisco Eduardo Toscano Guerrero
Guido Javier Mazón Fierro
Pablo Ricardo Calderón Limaico


Introduction. PROVELEC is an Ambateña company that was born with the purpose of providing products related to the electric field used in the domestic and commercial area, at the beginning of its economic activity it had a great reception due to the few competitors that existed in the market. And it needs an analysis through the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard to improve its administrative, productive, and financial processes. Methodology: in the design of the present research work, the quantitative analysis of the calculation of metrics based on the mathematical model of the Balanced Scorecard can be evidenced. The type of field research, obtaining the primary information from the same company. Applying a type of exploratory research, the same that will determine the measurement parameters of this. Results: the metrics or better known as indicators are useful parameters within the CMI to measure the performance of proposed activities, which will show the problems at all levels within the company and thus identify potential problems and seek solutions for the optimization of processes, as well as the environment of this. Conclusions: the diagnosis shows that the current situation of the company requires the use of administrative tools to achieve the vision and objectives proposed, therefore, the economic-financial and administrative aspects will be integrated into the general strategy.


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How to Cite
Quirola Zambrano, S. M., Toscano Guerrero, F. E., Mazón Fierro, G. J., & Calderón Limaico, P. R. (2023). Mathematical calculation of the Balanced Scorecard C.M.I. ConcienciaDigital, 6(2.1), 77-99.


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