Importance of the study of diatomeas in the differential diagnosis between asphixia by submersion and other deaths of dubious medical legal etiology

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Nathaly Michelle Sánchez Guarnizo
María Eugenia Lucena de Ustariz


Introduction: In the forensic field, after the discovery of a corpse in an aquatic environment, the question arises about the cause of death since it must be determined if it is suffocation by submersion or if the medico-legal etiology is another. and the victim's body was placed in this post-mortem environment. This is why the need arises to know the value of the study of Diatoms in corpses that have had a presumptive diagnosis of suffocation by submersion. Objective:  Establish through bibliographic review how diatoms can help determine the legal medical etiology of asphyxia by submersion. Methodology:  The present investigation is descriptive, qualitative, and theoretical with a retrospective chronology that allows us to conduct an analysis, synthesis and a correct organization of the information collected to provide true information on the subject in question. Results: A detailed analysis of the relationship between the presence of diatoms in samples obtained from corpses and their diagnosis of suffocation by submersion is conducted. Conclusion: It was possible to determine that the diatom test has an auxiliary importance when giving a legal medical diagnosis of suffocation by submersion, in addition, several factors must be considered prior to the diagnosis. This test should not be used as the only method to give a forensic medical diagnosis of suffocation due to submersion, since depending on the circumstances, false positive results may occur.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Guarnizo, N. M., & Lucena de Ustariz , M. E. (2023). Importance of the study of diatomeas in the differential diagnosis between asphixia by submersion and other deaths of dubious medical legal etiology. ConcienciaDigital, 6(2.1), 41-56.


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