Puppets in the virtual modality: interactive teaching resource for early childhood education

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Daniela Benalcázar Chicaiza
Mayra Isabel Barrera Gutiérrez
Mery Fernanda Pozo Ruiz
Carolina Elizabeth San Lucas Solórzano


Introduction. Virtual education is an inescapable reality today. After the effects of the global pandemic, many sectors have been affected, including early childhood education. Undoubtedly, teachers have had to adapt methodologies, strategies and resources to be able to reach students and continue with schooling from home. Objective: Analyze puppets as an interactive teaching resource that helps in the virtual modality for the classroom learning process at the early childhood level. Methodology: The methodology used was based on critical theory with an emergent design, qualitative approach and a descriptive and explanatory scope. The established objectives were achieved using interview and observation techniques with their respective instruments. Results. Among the most relevant results obtained when analyzing the information gathered, it is argued that puppets are used to create a relationship of trust within the virtual classroom in the present educational context; at present the need to improve the learning environment and turn it into a work-play space, despite its virtuality, is clear. Conclusion. After analyzing the information collected, it was concluded that the puppet is an interactive didactic resource which, among its multiple objectives, enhances interpersonal relationships from a suitable environment. As a resource, puppets offer countless advantages in the learning process such as concentration, stimulation of the imagination, development of social and communication skills, the opportunity for expression, development of spontaneity, and reflection.


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How to Cite
Benalcázar Chicaiza, D., Barrera Gutiérrez, M. I., Pozo Ruiz, M. F., & San Lucas Solórzano, C. E. (2023). Puppets in the virtual modality: interactive teaching resource for early childhood education. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 109-122. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.4.1989


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