The strategic marketing plan as a positioning mechanism. case management of linking ESPOCH

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Yolanda Patricia Moncayo Sánchez
Marco Vinicio Salazar Tenelanda
Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra


The research was carried out in order to design marketing strategies to position the ESPOCH Liaison Office in the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, 2019, therefore, the following objectives were set: General Objective to design a strategic marketing plan for the positioning of the ESPOCH Liaison Directorate in the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, year 2017. Specific Objectives to establish the corporate philosophy of the ESPOCH Liaison Directorate. Prepare the situational diagnosis based on an internal and external analysis. Design marketing strategies in order to improve the structural performance and the positioning of the Management, to efficiently face the institutional challenges. The methodology used was based on the application of surveys applied to students, political teachers and the business sector of the city of Riobamba, in addition to the preparation of the diagnosis that knew the current situation of the Directorate. It is determined according to the results that the design and implementation of strategies that help improve the internal structure of the same is necessary, since the low positioning, limited communication, and low presence in social networks has mainly had the ignorance of the Management mentioned above and its main axes of action. The proposal is based on developing strategies that help position the Directorate in the city of Riobamba. In this way it will try to solve the main problems that the institution has and specifically the aforementioned department, and its effective component goes hand in hand with the degree of positioning that it achieves with this plan based on specific strategies.


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Moncayo Sánchez, Y. P., Salazar Tenelanda, M. V., & Carrillo Parra, E. R. (2020). The strategic marketing plan as a positioning mechanism. case management of linking ESPOCH . ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 93-114.


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