Developmente of yogurt type III with pumkin and ajonjolí as a contribution of fiber and antioxidants Title

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Anabel de los Ángeles Morales Caluña
Fredy Patricio Erazo Rodríguez
Armando Vinicio Paredes Peralta
Tatiana Elizabeth Sánchez Herrera


The research was carried out at the Food Production Plan of the School of Animal Sciences of  the ESPOCH, a type III yogurt with pumpkin and three different levels (3,5 and 7%) of sesame seeds was developed, compared to a control treatment (0% sesame),distributed under a completely randomized design, with four repetitions per treatment and an experimental unit size of one liter of yogurt, were subjected to the following statistical analyzes: Analysis of Variance (ADEVA), separation of means by Tukey (P <0.05), regression and correlation analysis and sensory analysis with the affective hedonic scale. Determining that the physical chemical properties were affected statistically presenting a pH of 4.32 and 4.47 for 0 and 7% sesame levels respectively; The dry matter content of 19.35 and 23.93% (0 and 7% of sesame seeds), Protein of 2.60 and 3.30 (0 and 5% of sesame seeds), Fat of 0.54 and 3.18 (0 and 7% of sesame seeds), Antioxidant capacity of 0.53% and 1.24% correspond to level 0 and 7% of sesame seeds. Microbiological analyzes determined the absence of pathogenic microorganisms. In relation to organoleptic characteristics, these were statistically influenced, yogurt made with 5% sesame seeds had the highest score of 4/5, which gives a rating of likes in terms of color, smell, taste and texture characteristics; therefore it is recommended to use 5% sesame seeds in the manufacture of yogurt.


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Morales Caluña, A. de los Ángeles, Erazo Rodríguez, F. P., Paredes Peralta, A. V., & Sánchez Herrera , T. E. (2020). Developmente of yogurt type III with pumkin and ajonjolí as a contribution of fiber and antioxidants Title. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 97-107.


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