Implications of mathematics and the English language in the entropy of cultural codes

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Deysi Margoth Guanga Chunata
Oswaldo Martínez Guashima
Nanci Margarita Inca Chunata
Omar Vinicio Galarza Barrionuevo


Mathematics and numbers are actually a linguistically based invention that characterizes the human species. Quantities exist in nature, from prehistoric times; stone tools, wheels, machines, and advanced computer systems have transformed the environments in which we live and evolve. Entropy is a function that establishes a relationship between macro and microstates. The history of the transformation and development of the human condition characterized by a change in cultural eras. Each period of the development of the history of art, science and language has its own tendencies and directions, and stand out by the struggle of tendencies of progress and decline. In all life spheres entropy establishes a function of the state of the system, which does not depend on the transition from one state to another, but depends only on the initial and final position of the system. In modern society, the globalization process has intensified and with it the entropy to its most probable configuration.


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How to Cite
Guanga Chunata, D. M., Martínez Guashima, O., Inca Chunata, N. M., & Galarza Barrionuevo, O. V. (2020). Implications of mathematics and the English language in the entropy of cultural codes . ConcienciaDigital, 3(2), 69-83.


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