Cooperative learning model of the English language using information and communication technologies

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Nanci Margarita Inca Chunata
Ana Gabriela Reinoso Espinosa
Evelyn Carolina Macias Silva
Sandra Elizabeth Merino Hernández


The objective of this article is to reveal the impact of a combined cooperative learning strategy and information and communication technologies to improve English language learning. The study population was of 100 students: 50 from the intervention group and 50 from the control group, who belonged to the Chemical Engineering degree at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. Through a quasi-experimental analysis and control group, the development of the four language skills such as listening, reading, speaking, writing, and the two linguistic areas: grammar and vocabulary. The statistically analyzed results show that the students improved their skills in the English language proficiency. on geometric elements to reason about conditional probability. The productions analyzed before and after the instruction. The purpose was to contribute to the construction of the meaning of the formula programmed in the software or firmware of a network interface, by promoting the ability to carry out the cognitive construction of the communication channel and its behavior in a work setting. Students who developed this skill showed less difficulty in their resolutions and came up with new ideas on optimizing.


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How to Cite
Inca Chunata, N. M., Reinoso Espinosa, A. G., Macias Silva, E. C., & Merino Hernández, S. E. (2020). Cooperative learning model of the English language using information and communication technologies . ConcienciaDigital, 3(2), 55-68.


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