Evaluation of neuroeducation and its relationship in the progress of teaching learning English language

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Vallejo Andrade Geovanna Elvira
Guambo Yerovi Enrique Jesús
Edison Renato Ruiz López


The objective of the research was to determine the relationship of neuroeducation in the process of teaching English language learning in students of the School of Nutrition and Diet of the Faculty of Public Health. For this, the dimensions of neuroeducation were identified and evaluated to know the components that define educational events. The research is qualitative-quantitative, descriptive, bibliographic, with an educational and field approach. The sample was intentional and was represented by 35 students of second "A" of the English level and 4 teachers. To obtain the results, two surveys at students and teachers were applied; They were reviewed by academic peers in the area and had a reliability of 0.8 according to Cronbach's alpha. The data were recorded, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted, and allowed to conclude that the neuroeducation used needs to be updated; because the surveys indicated that the learning developed is behavioral, although its objectives and contents were known by the students. However, the strategies used for the development of the activities require considering that the activities applied are motivational, dynamic and group; and consecuently in its programming they include technological tools to motivate autonomous and group work so that the process of learning English improves.


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How to Cite
Geovanna Elvira, V. A., Enrique Jesús, G. Y., & Ruiz López, E. R. (2020). Evaluation of neuroeducation and its relationship in the progress of teaching learning English language. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i1.1.1132


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